After NBC Olympic anchor Mike Tirico reports from sunny California, seated behind a podium that flashes the blue and white Olympic theme colors with the Beijing IOC logo, the Superbowl stadium, palm trees and ocean gleaming in the background. Tirico looks relieved to have fled the terro of The Bubble, formerly known as the Olympic Village, and says; “Welcome to tonight’s Olympic Winter Games! We’re in California’s NBC studios, excited about Sunday’s Superbowl!” I didn’t know that football was an alpine sport, so I guess that’s the new normal.


Tonight’s NBC broadcast was standard Olympic coverage: it’s all about the sports, the winners and losers, the heartbreak and the glory. No mention of the Uigher Genocide, Peng Sui, fake snow, the CCP Olympic App that tracks and hacks all athletes, and the execrable quarantine conditions, imposed with random cruelty. The Daily Mail reports that almost 400 athletes are trapped in airless, fetid cells, and that the majority are from Nordic and Slavic nations, and there is much anger in The Bubble that no CCP athlete appears to have tested positive for anything.

I didn’t see any of the 1st time alpine Olympians who joined the Opening Night Parade of Nations, like the 3 athletes from Saudi Arabia whom NBC claimed “include a top skier.” I haven’t seen any athletes from the many tropical and sub-Saharan countries who also marched in the Parade of Nations, and according to the Daily Mail they aren’t the ones locked in quarantine cells, so maybe they’re partying somewhere in Beijing with their CCP Belt & Road Initiative partners.

2 Time US Olympic Champion Chloe Kim wins her 3rd Gold. In 1982, Kim’s father left Seoul for California with $800, earned a degree in engineering, and now Chloe is a Princeton undergrad majoring in science. Kim was a star of Pyeongchang 2018, the Korean public celebrated her father’s journey to the US and the Olympic triumph of his gifted daughter. In Pyeongchang Kim said “I have this different opportunity because I'm Korean-American but I'm riding for the States. I'm starting to understand that I can represent both countries.”

NBC interviews Chloe after her race. She is gracious, charming, thrilled to bring home Gold for Team USA, proud to be a Korean American. NBC cuts to her family in California and relatives in Seoul, both ecstatic with joy.


Eilieen/Ailing Gu tried to use “Sports Bring People Together” in her awkward post Gold press conference, but after dodging 7 direct questions about what kind of passport she’s using, since she was born in the USA but chose to Ski For CCP, Gu snapped that anyone who questioned her motives “will never win a Gold medal.”


NBC gushes; “Now we have 2 American skiing stars; Chloe Kim and Eileen Gu!” Tirico doesn’t say “Eileen/Ailing” or anything about the passport issue.


NBC doesn’t air Eileen/Ailing Gu promos, cause Gu blew her cool in the press conference and annoyed a lot of journalists, so coverage of Gu is now filled with questions about her passport, and Gu is getting blasted on social media for dumping Team USA to Ski For CCP.

Global reporting reveals the breadth of Gu’s modeling and endorsement contracts and posts many of her tweets about how she suffers discrimination being a POC ((new Woke term for “Person Of Color)” and how much she cares about women’s issues. She doesn’t say she cares about Uigher women tortured and gang raped in CCP concentration camps.

A young Uigher woman before and after enslavement in a CCP “re-education” prison, released crippled and near death to her family, standard practice in the CCP.

Photos of Tibetan men, before and after torture in a CCP prison: 1949 the Chinese Communist defeat the Nationalists and establish the People’s Republic of China.  In 1950 the PLA invades and annexes Xinjiang, Tibet in 1960. For over 70 years under CCP rule, the Uigher and Tibetan people have been, enslaved, tortured, exterminated to make them “Red and Expert CCP citizens” as their ancestral lands are plundered for CCP profit.

A sample of global headlines: “NBC Applauds Genocide Barbie “Gu Sells Out To China” “Woke American Born Gu Ditches USA for Communist China” ”China Relies on American Defector Gu at Genocide Games” and the meme shown here is all over the internet:

Gu’s management team must be getting a tad nervous; with the passport controversy thing going viral, will they score that most prized endorsement contract, the Wheaties Box?

Tiger Mom Gu Yan earned BA and MA in Chemical Engineering at Peking University, studied biochemistry and molecular biology at Auburn University and molecular genetics at Rockefeller University, worked in investment banking in New York and California, and in her LinkedIn profile call herself  “an expert in China investment” at Fusion Investment Inc. Gu’s father is said to be a Harvard graduate, but there are no bios or pictures or of him to be found on the internet and now reporters are scrambling to find out where he is or if he exists, and if she has an American father, how come she uses her Chinese mother’s last name?

US Skier Lindsey Jacobellis, silver medalist in the 2006 Turin Winter Games, wins her first Gold at age 36, achieving her Olympic dream after years of just missing the medal stand. During Jacobellis’ medal ceremony, a phalanx of armed PLA soldiers stands erect as the 3 national flags of the Gold, Silver and Bronze winners are raised. 


I don’t recall seeing host country soldiers with weapons lined up behind the medal stand at previous Winter Olympics – I’ve watched them all because I love the skiers and skaters and ceremonies –and the OIC charter says the host country isn’t supposed to showcase their military might during the Games because sports are supposed to promote peace and bring the world together as one, so I guess the message from the IOC is that the world is now coming together as one, under CCP rule.

The PRC’s People’s Liberation Army marching in format.

NBC cuts to the Connecticut studio, where 2 retired US skiers do an embarrassing thing of smashing watermelons with ski poles. It is intended to be humorous, but just looks stupid, and now I really miss Bob Costas, who sat in a chair and gave us honest commentary without dodging social-political issues in host countries, delivered with an elegant dignity befitting the ideals of the Olympic Games and the achievements of the Olympic athletes.


The big ad shocker of the night comes after skiing, when Boston Celtics star Enes Kanter Freedom appears in a commercial, where he speaks of the Turkish government’s persecution of his family and says people should feel lucky to live in America with freedom of speech. Kanter is swallowed by graphics, and the ad flashes Fire.org as it cuts out. I tried to find Fire.org on the internet but failed.


Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla), the first Green Beret to serve in Congress, produced a 30 second ad with Enes Kanter Freedom about CCP atrocities and tried to buy airtime during the Genocide Games but was rejected by NBC (of course).

Waltz told the New York Post: “American companies are drunk on Chinese dollars, entangled with communist dictators committing atrocities, and propping up these ‘Genocide Games’ staged by the Chinese Communist Party.” This is confirmed by the stream of commercials from the corporate sponsors, who’ve purchased multimillion dollar ad buys for the 2 week NBC Olympic broadcast, and fill breaks with lame, woke, PC ads, that totally normalize doing business with the CCP’s genocidal dictators, because they long ago chose to relocate US manufacturing to the  PRC, using slave labour to manufacture their wares .


NBC issued a formal statement; “The ad was not rejected. Per NBC-Universal’s long-standing advertising guidelines, changes to the ad were requested so it could air.”


So it looks like NBC allowed Kanter Freedom to appear in a different ad, hastily produced, where he only criticized Turkey and advocated Free Speech, just to cover their hides.





NBC cuts to Beijing, featuring ski jumping, snowboarding, skeleton racing, but where are the Dutch speed skaters who blew away PyeongChang 2018? I open NBC’s Winter Olympics website, which is confusing, and discover that I must sign up for NBC’s Peacock streaming service to watch the speedskaters and biathletes, which feels like a rip off.


I hunt around for host country info, always a prominent feature of Olympic branding, but find nothing, not even a Wikipedia style paragraph about the People’s Republic of China, no links to Beijing’s tourist attractions, no photos of host country chief of state CCP Dictator Xi Jingping at the opening ceremonies, or anything about the host country’s Olympic penal colony, The Bubble. It used to be called the Olympic Village and had a party zone for jubilant nightly gatherings of athletes, journalists and host country nationals, and people I know who covered the Games always said Olympic Village parties were the best ever.


Snowboarding legend Shaun White gets a long promo after coming in 4th, just off the podium. He gives a tearful, heartfelt interview as he bids farewell to the sport he so loved, and thanks friends and fans – the Japanese team is filled with talented teenagers who idolized The Flying Tomato, he cut his world famous long read hair, but his short hair also looks cool, and he is lone US Olympian to post an Instagram Selfie with a Tibetan lady, holding the Tibetan National Flag.

Shaun White is an international superstar, so he was granted permission to compete in Beijing 2022., despite posting a selfie with the Tibetan flag. The CCP typically denies visas to anyone who dares make mention of one of their greatest crimes; the rape and pillage of Buddhist Tibet, looting and razing over 6,000 Tibetan monasteries, slaughtering 1.5 to 2 million in a population of 6 million, the militarization of the vast Tibetan Plateau, the High Ground of Asia, the fount of Asia’s 9 Great Rivers, that have for millennia nourished the people of Asia, and are now choked my thousands of CCP hydrodams;

Team USA Gold medalists Chloe Kim and Nathan Chen wear masks during press conferences, whereas Eilieen/Ailing Gu got the CCP exemption and wasn’t wearing a mask during her awkward presser.

The New York Post reports: “US-born skier Eileen Gu defended China’s draconian internet restrictions by arguing that it’s easy for citizens to dodge the ‘Great Firewall’.”

“Her comments came after an Instagram user took the 18-year-old skier to task asking Gu why she gets “special treatment” and is allowed to use Instagram while “millions of Chinese people from the mainland cannot.” 

“That’s not fair, can you speak up for those millions of Chinese who don’t have internet freedom?” wrote another user.  

“In a flippant response accompanied by a thumbs-up emoji, Gu wrote, “Anyone can download a VPN, its literally free on the App Store.”

“It is illegal for me to climb the wall, literally it’s fxxking not free at all,” the user added. 

“Screenshots of Gu’s comment defending China’s internet restrictions were censored on Weibo after they started making the rounds.”


Gu’s management team is likely in a huddle with crisis management consultants about the Wheaties Box.



NBC doesn’t show us Chloe Kim’s medal ceremony, which is annoying. I love watching the Olympians alight the podium, bestowed with medals to joyous applause, as their 3 national flags rise into the air. All we get is a brief closeup of Chloe in a mask, as Tirico says “And here’s Chloe Kim at her medal ceremony today.” Maybe NBC got the memo to cut the chilling sight of armed PLA soldiers in military formation behind the podium, cause sports are supposed to promote peace and harmony.


After Men’s skeleton, NBC shows a handsome Ukrainian athlete holding a sign that reads: “No War in Ukraine – Peace For my Country” the first “political demonstration” aired thus far, which violates rule 50 of the IOC, but was routinely flouted by Woke US athletes throughout Tokyo 2021 (and paid no penalty). Tirico then pivots to a Putin Equals Danger monologue. Bob Costas gave us honest commentary when he hosted Sochi 2014, but Tirico says nothing about host country issues, like the CCP Uigher genocide, just dutifully repeats the same script that streams hourly from NPR to MSNBC.


Tirico then goes on about the Russian skater doping affair, with video of the enchanting15 year Kamila Valieva, skating to divine perfection, but doesn’t mention the random and invasive testing forced upon athletes from predominantly Nordic and Slavic nations.

Belgian skeleton racer Kim Meylemans tested positive for something after entering The Bubble,  tearfully shared her story on Instagram and made international headlines.  She tested positive before the Games, recovered and showed her negative test results, which were required to enter Beijing, and believes her positive results once inside The Bubble are due to the highly-sensitive PCR tests detecting virus antibodies. 

NBC cuts to a Canadian ski jumper and says, with standard upbeat cadence: “He just passed his Covid test and here he is, ready for his big Olympic moment!”


NBC is teaching us How To Live With COVID; reward the villains who spawned the pandemic with their big sports party, cause otherwise the CCP will lose face, and that would be way worse than creating a super spreader event, or infecting the athletes with unknown viruses that have swaths of Beijing in lockdown, or exposing them to nefarious genetic harvesting in the guise of  “health measures” and please don’t ever call it the Wuhan Virus, cause that would hurt the feelings of the CCP.


On Feb. 7th, 2022 the Epoch Times reported:


“A growing number of biotech, genomics, and medtech firms with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are operating in the United States, raising concerns about medical and genetic data security. In 2018, China invested $5.1 billion in U.S. biotech companies, a 25 % increase from 2017. In keeping with the CCP’s “military-civil fusion strategy,” the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is involved in biotech research to develop bioweapons that target specific ethnic groups.


“Much of the CCP’s infiltration of the U.S. bio and medical industries is aided by U.S. citizens and even the government. Last month, Chinese firm Andon Health Co. has received a $1.28 billion contract from the U.S. Army Contracting Command to supply COVID-19 self-test kits.”




Tirico gushes, from sunny California, “Don’t you just love the Olympics?” The fake enthusiasm is starting to wear thin.


NBC’s pantomime isn’t cutting it with the home base; Beijing 2022 has a mere 12.3 million viewers per night, whereas PyeongChang 2018 got 23 million. The New York Post reports; “NBC generated $920 million in national advertising sales for the PyeongChang Games and turned a profit. The network declined to offer a revenue forecast for the Beijing Games.”


Maybe that’s because 2 years ago the CCP Virus unleashed hell, and all national polls show that 9 out 10 Americans now regard the CCP as a dangerous entity, they are disgusted by NBC-IOC sports washing the CCP’s Uigher genocide, crushing the brave Hong Kong Democrats in Hong Kong, threatening war with Taiwan and India, and longtime Olympic Host Bob Costas said in an interview castigating the IOC for covering up the CCP’s atrocities “because people are more aware of it now. It’s almost impossible to paper it over.”



Almost impossible, but NBC is strictly adhering to CCP guidelines, which warned of “severe punishment” should anyone dare make “political statements” so NBC scrubbed all links to PRC-CCP from their Olympics website, won’t air host country featurettes and won’t report about the nightmare inside The Bubble, formerly known as the Olympic Village.  


NBC airs a brief clip of Brian McCloskey, chairman Beijing 2022’s medical expert panel, mumbling in a Scottish accent, "I think your chance of picking up COVID in the closed loop is less than anywhere else in the world” and dismisses athletes’ complaints about a feature on the required CCP-IOC app:  body temperature registering 99 degrees Fahrenheit triggers an alarm in the armpit thermometers sewn into the uniforms, designed to warn of a fever, that alerts CCP officials to “health threats” which gets them tossed into fetid quarantine cells.


A Denver journalist wrote from Beijing, “Athletes are getting the full Chinese Communist experience at the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.”

Maura Moynihan

Maura Moynihan is a New York author, journalist, and long time analyst of the Chinese Communist Party's occupation of Tibet. She is a columnist with The Asian Age and has worked for many years with Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal. Her works of fiction include “Yoga Hotel” and “Kaliyuga.”


