On Thursday Feb. 10th , 2022. NBC’s Mike Tirico opens Olympic Winter Games broadcast in a bland blue and white TV studio somewhere in the USA (he didn’t say where). On his last night in Beijing, Tirico quipped that he had to get back to California for the Superbowl. He didn’t say he was fleeing the misery and dread of life inside the CCP’s Olympic penal colony, The Bubble, or that he could not in good conscience continue to ignore the Uigher genocide or it’s an affront to his journalistic integrity that the international press corps is prohibited from strolling through the host city, filming featurettes about customs and traditions, chatting with the locals, having a meal in a popular restaurant.

Host country featurettes are a staple of Olympic coverage, hugely popular with viewers, myself included, and did actually bring people together through sports. Jim McKay, 12 time Olympic anchor and longtime host of ABC’s “Wide World of Sports” said the Olympics are the “world’s greatest travelogue.” I know people who covered the Olympics and they all said it was the most fabulous, exciting, best paying gig of all time.


But that’s not how to get ahead in ChiMerica, Inc, 2022. When Bill Clinton got the People’s Republic of China (PRC) into the World Trade organization in 2000, USA corporate media showed us Get Stuff Done in The PRC, hauling in millions from CCP ad revenue in exchange for dutifully reciting Xinhua propaganda on the nightly news and running weekly China Daily inserts in all major newspapers.


So if an NBC host country featurette camera crew interviewed locals about the toxic smog that chokes their city, or found a brave dissident poet who dared speak of the CCP’s wickedness, or filmed slum life in the dismal shanty towns seen in wide shots around the freestyle ski track, it might hurt the feelings of the CCP, who went to such great lengths to build alpine sports venues in the world’s largest metropolis which is steaming hot in the summer and gets a bit of snow in the winter.

Team USA’s Lindsey Jacobellis and Nick Baumgartner win Gold in the Inaugural Mixed Team Snowboard Cross. With standard upbeat cadence Tirico says “since your family can’t be with you in Beijing, we’re bringing them to you from the USA!” as the camera cuts to watch parties back home, cause international social distancing protects other people.


Missing from NBC’s broadcasts are profiles of athletes from other countries. I love this feature of the Games, meeting these fascinating, talented people who spent their whole lives training to achieve feats of wonder on a global stage. NBC paid $8 billion for broadcast rights, so where are the featurettes with Dutch speed skaters, Finnish cross-country skiers, Canadian hockey players and Russian figure skaters? It can’t cost that much to get some clips from Toronto or Helsinki via the internet, and since the CCP prohibits camera crews from filming host country featurettes in Beijing it would help sell the “sports bring people together” thing a lot better than repetitive stock footage of the Rocky Mountains, but NBC keeps airing clips of alpine venues as they cut to Superbowl promos, cause that always happens during football games.

Dutch Olympic speedskater Esmee Vissner at Pyeongchang 2018 – MIA on NBC 2022

NBC spent a fortune on US athlete featurettes, but I guess they have to obey social distancing regulations and is self-isolating from other countries to keep us safe.

Athletes from other countries only get a headshot, name and nationality, maybe a line or two with stuff like “He had a bad season last year due to injury, but he’s back on the mountain and going for Gold” and “He got COVID and is just out of quarantine and missed his practice, so let’s see how he does.” 

So it’s just totally fine to hold the Olympics in the country that released viruses which are making athletes sick and shivering in quarantine cells, missing practice or competition, because the IOC website says “Life is like a sport, facing obstacles and learning from them.”




Saturday Feb. 12, 2022. During NBC Winter Olympics broadcast, the unfortunate few who remain trapped in The Bubble (unlike Olympic anchor Mike Tirico who appears relaxed and upbeat at the Superbowl because he escaped Beijing’s punitive daily CCP nasal swab) finally got around to talking about the fake snow, because actual snow was falling all over Beijing.


NBC doesn’t say that Beijing is the first Winter Olympics host to use 100% fake snow for the Games and that the CCP’s fake snow requires the equivalent of a day's worth of drinking water for 900 million people and that the fake snow contains harmful chemicals that are poisoning Beijing’s already depleted ground water, because that might hurt the feelings of the CCP.

NBC cuts to an announcer at the Men’s Giant Slalom where snow is falling fast and hard. He shakes the snow off his NBC jacket and states; “Last year no snow fell on this mountain, they get average 10 inches a year or less, so this is a surprise!”

NBC addresses visibility issues affecting skiers, saying; “In a place where it doesn’t snow, we’re getting a lot of snow!”

Cause having real snow falling on mountains never, ever happens at the Winter Olympics, and now I’m confused because NBC keeps airing clips of athletes skiing on real snow in alpine venues on high mountain slopes.

NBC cuts skiers, barely visible through the heavy precipitation. The NBC announcer says, with a tone of concern; “It’s getting pretty thick out there with the snow, how are they going to make it down the mountain?”

Because Olympic skiers never, ever compete in real snow on actual mountains, so the poor athletes are facing a challenge the like of which they’ve never, ever faced before, cause its’ actually snowing or maybe this is a PLA psych ops operation

Team USA’s Ted Ligety, 2 time Gold medalist in the Super-G, and Team USA’s Lindsey Vonn, 3 time Gold medalist, provide commentary from NBC studio in Connecticut. (NBC never mentions that the Olympians are reporting from the safe confines of NBC’s Connecticut studios so they don’t’ have to endure the torturous daily CCP nasal swab, but I found a press release from NBC Universal that lists the names of all the announcers reporting on the Winter Games, sent from Stamford. CT).


Many skiers wipe out, so NBC starts to Go There about the fake snow.


Ligety says; “Athletes can’t see the loose snow on this course. This is a much tighter course that doesn’t allow skiers to see where they’re going. This is not your typical World Cup course that you see every day.” NBC cuts to Lindsey Vonn in the Connecticut studio, who says “We’ve been talking about the man-made snow which is really difficult now there is real snow it doesn’t feel good athletes are struggling, conditions will be even worse.”

The Daily Mail covers the crisis of real snow showing up at the CCP Gulag Games which doesn’t mix with the CCP fake snow, reporting “The IOC said 'thousands of staff' had been scrambled to clear snow off competition areas. There was disruption at the Winter Olympics on Sunday - because of an outbreak of real snow.

“Among the criticisms of these Games has been the reliance on 100 per cent fake snow, owing to the lack of precipitation in the region, which typically receives less than one inch of snow per month in winter.

“But a blizzard hit over the weekend, leading to the cancellation of events as several inches fell in the space of just 24 hours.


NBC cuts to 2 CCP-IOC officials throwing handfuls of snow in the air and chirps; “When it doesn’t snow often you don’t really have a lot of snowball experience as the ground team shows!”

I didn’t realize that throwing snowballs was an Olympic sport, but the rules keep changing so maybe the CCP will take a hint from NBC and start training a national snowball throwing team for the 2026 Winter Games in Milan.

A few intrepid Nordic skiers cross the CCP’s Great Firewall and post photos and complaints about the lousy slopes and dreadful logistics and mock the CCP’s touted “Bullet Trains” that convey teams and journalists to the non-alpine venues. US and UK sportswriters file stories about how difficult it is to get to the venues if you don’t present your IOC-CCP Health App which records the results of your daily CCP nasal swab shove before the Olympic Bullet Train takes off.

Beijing's six outdoor Olympics venues are divided into two clusters; the Yanqing district, 45 miles northwest of the city center, and Zhangjiakou, a city 110 miles from Beijing. I hunt around for info on the venues and find an official Olympics link not available on the NBC website which showcases the fabulousness of the CCP’s alpine venues:


BEIJING 2022’s Green Energy Goes MIA

NBC ran promos leading up to the Gulag Games peddling all the fabulous CCP “Green Energy” projects that would be on display at the Beijing 2022 Winter Games but hasn’t aired any promos or said anything about said Green Energy projects since they arrived in Beijing.

The Daily Mail reports: “As British viewers have noted, it seems a strangely dystopian setting. However, when China snatched these Games from neighbouring Kazakhstan — whose climate and topography made it a more suitable venue — one of its promises was to stage the cleanest and most ‘sustainable’ Games in history.

“And since every detail of this great charade has been meticulously choreographed by party officials, we can safely assume the disused chimneys, painted with the five Olympic rings and framed by a clear blue sky, are there to show the world the promised green revolution is already well under way.

“The truth, as with so many facets of these sham Olympics, is different. What we are not told is that the carbon-belching steelworks hasn’t really closed at all. It has been relocated to an industrial seaport, 135 miles southwest of Beijing, where it continues to pump out pollutants away from prying Western eyes.

“Moreover, China still burns more than half the world’s consumption of coal and shows no discernible commitment to cleaning up its act.

“Behind the forest of wind turbines and glistening banks of solar panels along the arterial routes to the Games venues, there is no disguising the innumerable factories belching their fug over the horizon.”


Finally we get a brief clip of speed skating but that’s only because an CCP athlete wins Gold, as NBC gushes “This is how dreams come true!”

NBC cuts back to Olympic anchor Tirico, striking a casual pose as he leans against the podium with the Olympic logo with the Superbowl stadium gleaming in the background, saying “More figure skating as we continue from LA and Beijing!” like football is now an alpine sport or something.

NBC cuts to Ice Dancing, where skaters come off the rink and savor a few moments of breathing before the CCP-IOC official slap white plastic cones over their faces. Olympian Johnny Weir issues a stream of platitudes “It’s like they are skating on clouds!” as the NBC camera crew strenuously cuts away from wide shots of rows of empty seats.

Team USA Ice dancer Evan Bates called out the Uigher Genocide in late 2021, and Team USA’s Nathan Chen supported Bates, saying the Uigher genocide is "terrible" and "awful" "I agree with what Evan was saying, I think that for a greater change to occur, there must be power that is beyond the Olympics."

Chen won Gold in the Men’s Figure Skating Final on Thursday night, but unlike Chinese-American Eileen/Ailing Gu, Chen is not being hailed as a hometown hero in Xinhua, China Daily or on Weibo; he is being castigated as a “traitor” “evil liar” “disgusting” for calling out the CCP’s Uigher genocide. Chen addresses the online line attacks saying he loves Beijing because its’ his mother’s hometown and he avoids social media.

As NBC’s Olympic coverage winds up, we see the medal count; Norway in the lead with 6 Golds and 14 medals. Austria in 2nd, 4 Golds, 14 total. Followed by Canada, ROC, Germany, USA, with 5 Golds, 11 total. CCP is in 11th place, 3 Golds, 7 total.

NBC reminds us that the PRC is building hundreds of ski resorts and wants to train “millions of future alpine sports enthusiasts.” 

So I guess that’s why the CCP scored Beijing 2022 over alpine venue appropriate Kazakhstan, when the host city was chosen in 2015, cause the IOC and NBC and Apple and Microsoft and all the corporate sponsors who manufacture their wares with CCP labor decided way back when that the future belongs to the CCP.

It’s 2022 and Football is now an Olympics Winter Sport – who knew?

NBC’s 8 PM broadcast opens with the Superbowl halftime game where Eminem and Snoop Dog and more sing and dance on a weird white set that looks like a field hospital.

NBC’s Olympic broadcast starts at 10:30, as Olympic anchor Mike Tirico cheerfully welcomes us to the 2022 Winter Olympics, reporting from the playing field as cheerleaders and fans race about throwing confetti, and now my head is spinning because it feels like NBC is normalizing football as an alpine sport of some variety.

NBC cuts to a wide shot of the mountains dusted with snow, but the mountains are jagged peaks, unlike the globular hills that surround Beijing, so I suspect this is stock footage, cause now NBC is reporting live on a sunny Monday morning in Beijing, so maybe yesterday’s shocking surprise snowfall has mercifully melted, and the CCP-IOC organizers won’t have to scramble about to remove the real snow from the fake snow cause athletes are complaining that it’s dangerous and 24 events got cancelled, including Eileen/Ailing Gu’s Freestyle Ski semi-finals, which are soon to be aired.

NBC cuts to the women’s bobsled which goes on for 30 minutes and gets really boring. An Aussie announcer joins NBC as a CCP athlete climbs into the enormous vehicle which resembles a tank, and says, with a flair for the obvious; “The Chinese racers had over 500 runs on this track whereas other teams have only had 40 runs or less, so that’s a home team advantage!”

Finally we get a medal ceremony for women’s mono bob, where Team US takes Gold and Silver. The US athletes put their hands on their hearts and sing the US anthem. NBC keeps the camera tightly fixed on the podium so we don’t get to see glorious wide shots as the 3 national flags rise into the air, cause that risks showing armed PLA soldiers standing at attention during what’s supposed to be a world peace and harmony thing.

Back at Women’s Bobsled, NBC struggles to hide wide shots that might show the rows of empty seats, says “Not much noise in the stands the athletes aren’t used to it, but there’s a lot of support for this athlete from the home team –here comes China’s Ming King!” then cuts to a closeup of CCP curated viewers displaying huge PRC National Flags.


Okay, like I get the picture, the CCP is the future.

NBC keeps cutting to clips of the Superbowl, cause that’s getting way better ratings.


I open the NBC Olympic website and find a section with questions, but I can’t find a section where I can ask why NBC is covering up the CCP’s obscene billion-dollar organ harvesting business when the Olympics are supposed to promote health and peace. The questions push how to watch NBC’s Peacock streaming service, an expensive flop rolled out in 2020, though maybe not as expensive a flop as the 2002 CCP Gulag Games, which forced NBC sports chairman to admit “are a disappointment so far” which is great cause that means the boycott is working.

I sign up for the NBC Winter Olympics newsletter, am asked to note my sports preferences and hit speed skating because they won’t show the cool Dutch speedskaters. All we’ve had so far is a clip of a CCP athlete who won gold as NBC gushed “this is how dreams come true” and 30 seconds of an elated Nordic Gold winner, who smiles and inhales deeply, savoring a few moments of breathing before he steps off the ice and CCP-IOC officials slap a white plastic face cone over his face.

Ad shocker of the night: a commercial for Scientology that has the exact same blue and white colors that appear in NBC’s official 2022 Winter Olympics promos. I don’t understand why Scientology wasn’t shut down by the feds years ago when books and documentaries exposed the hideous crimes of the cult, Scientology’s New York City recruiting center, located in the heart of the theater district, remains open, a short walk from NBC’s Rockefeller Center headquarters.   

Tirico keeps hammering on about the Russian figure skater doping scandal, then NBC cuts to an ad for NBC’s new series about an evil Russian spy, a glamorous brunette with great legs who “wants to destroy the world.”

Okay, like I get it, Russia is the most dangerous country in the world, so we’re in an Olympic time lapse and back in the Cold War and but then I remember that its 2022 and the USSR is long gone and the terrifying communist bloc looming over the Games is the PRC, the word Russia isn’t visible in a single title, just ROC, and during Sochi 204 I don’t remember seeing the host country Meet & Greet team in hazmat suits administering tortuous nasal jabs and tossing people into quarantine cells, but the CCP owns the future.

Tirico is back on the NBC set, striking a casual pose as he leans against the blue and white Olympic podium with the Superbowl stadium and Pacific Ocean glimmering in the distance, and says “Welcome back to the mountain for more Olympic skiing!”

Sun. Feb. 13th - Eileen/Ailing Gu competes in the free style skiing semi finals

NBC shows bright blue skies icy snow, close ups of the Ice Princess, the 2 races where Gu jumps up from 11th to 4th, qualifying for the finals.

During the races, NBC goes full on with Gu Gush, saying “Eileen puts it down like she needs to, look at her, really well done, you can’t beat her style and skills!” and goes on about how Gu’s got what it takes, so NBC is openly rooting for the US-trained athlete who jumped ship to Team CCP.

NBC cuts to Gu’s mother, wearing a hood, sunglasses and an enormous, grey face covering, I spotted on some CCP official lurking behind athletes during competition, and says “And here’s her mother Yan, waiting to watch.”  After qualifying for the finals, Gu gets a long close up as she flashes her million dollar smile and nibbles a cookie. NBC lingers on the Ice Princess, and gushes “She’s having a snack, look at that!”

NBC makes no mention of Gu’s passport controversy, and totally normalizes dumping Team USA for Team CCP, so it’s perfectly fine to use the USA for health, education and training and Ski For CCP, because the CCP owns the Future.

NBC dials down the fake snow story they were forced to report Saturday due to the unexpected arrival of a blizzard that dispensed actual snow all over Beijing, steers clear of promos about promised Green Energy projects, doesn’t say anything about billions of CCP Virus masks despoiling the ocean floor, and continues to can standard features about logistics and facilities in The Bubble, formerly known as the Olympic Village.


In Pyeongchang and Sochi, we got the glorious Olympic travelogue honed by Jim Mackay, my hero Yuzuru Hanyu won back-to-back Gold in Men’s Figure Skating, no one was wearing white plastic face cones and the host country welcoming committee did not wearing hazmat suits at all times, except for the armed PLA soldiers standing in formation at the medal ceremonies, but Tirico keeps reminding us that Russia is the greatest threat to world peace.

Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games; real snow, alpine mountains, joyous spectators

Japan’s Yuzuru Hanyu, Superstar of Pyeongchang 2018, wins his 2nd Olympic Gold Medal

I hunt for Beijing 2022 Olympic news and stumble upon an Alibaba press release, all about Dong Dong, their brand new IOC-CCP  AI Robot. It reads:


“Alibaba, Worldwide TOP Partner of the IOC, has unveiled its brand-new virtual influencer for the Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. Based on cloud technology, Dong Dong, the advanced digital persona created by Alibaba to engage with fans, brings the possibilities of cloud-based innovation closer to consumers.


Dong Dong was created to be a passionate, outspoken Beijing-born 22-year-old woman who loves winter sports. To better connect with Olympic fans, especially the younger, tech-savvy generation, Dong Dong is not only going to promote Olympic merchandise in the official Olympic shop in China on Tmall, she can respond to questions in a lively, natural human voice with different emotions, along with various body gestures from giving a thumbs-up to posting heart-shape gesture and wiping away tears of disappointment. In addition, she can perform live talk shows to introduce Olympic fun facts to the audience, and show-off her enthusiastic, upbeat dance moves to accompany the Olympic theme songs to cheer for the Olympians.


“That’s why we developed Dong Dong, with the hope that the cloud-based virtual influencer can create better engagement with the younger, digital natives in an exciting and natural way,” said Xiaolong Li, Leader of Alibaba Virtual Human & Intelligent Customer Service.


So now I really get it, the future is hospitality staff in hazmat suits and glamorous virtual beauty influencers who provide beauty tutorials from Eileen/Ailing Gu in a brand new mind reading cloud technology app, courtesy of ChiMerica, Inc.

US born Eileen/Ailing Gu & Zhu Yi jump ship to Team CCP
US born Olympic Champion Nathan Chen Skates for Team USA

Team USA’s Nathan Chen won Gold in the Men’s Figure Skating Final on Thursday Feb. 10th, but unlike his former USA teammate Chinese-American Eileen/Ailing Gu who chose to Ski For CCP, Chen is not being hailed as hero in Xinhua, China Daily or on Weibo; he is being castigated as a “traitor” “evil liar” “disgusting” and is accused of "insulting China" due to an interview he gave in October 2021 when he backed Team USA Ice Dancer Evan Bates calling out the Uigher Genocide as "terrible" and "awful." "I agree with what Evan was saying," Chen said at the same event. "I think that for a greater change to occur, there must be power that is beyond the Olympics."


On Weibo, Chen is also accused of acting "too White" like California born Beverly Zhu, who jumped ship to Skate For CCP as Zhu Yi, made a disastrous showing in the team competition, and was so viciously attacked in millions of Weibo posts, the CCP decided to remove all the links, cause they can always do that if they want to.  


In the Ice Dancing Final, Team USA’s Bates and Chock skate and place 4th, as US teammates take Bronze, France Gold, ROC (Russia) Silver.


Sportswriters at the CCP Gulag Games Pop The Bubble


Detailed accounts of life in The Bubble are leaking out, thanks to writers and photographers who secured media credentials, and are filing dispatches from the Gulag Games that read like proposals for a zombie apocalypse horror film.


Hollywood has for years hypnotized – I would say punished - the American public with grisly futuristic horror movies, full of AI and robots and plagues. The CCP has for decades invested billions in Hollywood, the Olympics is the ideal venue for a trial run of zombie apocalypse reality TV, and the Games provide perfect human specimens, and all the corporate sponsors are on board, so now I’m getting more clarity about the official Beijing 2022 motto; “Shared Future Together” in a zombie apocalypse horror movie.

The Winter Games are always a big story, the CCP wants credit for their Olympic triumph, and they can count on NBC for sports washing, so I guess they assumed all sportswriters and photographers would follow the leader.

But sportswriters who cover the Olympics are top in their field, smart, witty, world traveled, and one of their tasks is to report on host country facilities and logistics, so many are documenting the futuristic horror show of life in The Bubble; torturous tests, tracking apps, punitive quarantines, execrable food delivered by all kinds of new robots who also mix cocktails and lurch through the hallways spraying noxious disinfectants, replicating the AI-Robot theme showcased at the Opening Ceremonies.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune sent sportswriter La Velle E. Neal III to cover Minnesota’s 25 Olympic athletes. Neal self-isolated, got triple vaccinated, submitted his daily health status on an app created just for Beijing Olympics, followed all requirements to enter The Bubble, but was quarantined upon arrival.


On KFAN’s Dan Barreiro Show, Neal described the daily testing; “They want you to gag. They say it’s the best way to get the most thorough result.” (Good to know that KRAN Radio made it through the Great Firewall).


Neal was granted permission to enter Bird’s Nest Stadium for the opening ceremonies but was then notified that his CCP contact tracer withdrew permission, to protect the health and safety of VIPs in attendance. Neal tried to slip into Bird’s Nest, “But every time you enter a building with your media pass, they’ve got these cameras that go off and you see the picture of yourself on your pass as you walk into these facilities on the screen.”

Photographer Nat Hertz with the Anchorage Daily News said only CCP selected reporters can enter the mixed zone, the only place where media can talk to athletes, with 6 foot social distancing, but credentialed photographers are not granted access. Hertz said “I was like, well, so should I just fly back to Alaska because what is the point of being here if I can’t talk to the athletes.”


USA Today normalizes the robots and tracking apps with a ludicrous puff piece: “Within the bubble, futuristic technology abounds. Robots cook food and brew coffee in smart cafeterias, and meals descend from the ceiling via giant mechanical arms. More robots deliver packages, collect garbage, and scan the air for viral particles. Visitors are also encouraged to use contactless payments in the form of China’s nascent digital currency, the e-CNY.”


Like this is so cool, we’re watching Olympic zombie-robot Reality TV, where we do everything with a super powerful contact tracing and mind reading app, produced by ChiMerica, Inc.


Dan Wetzel & Jay Busbee filed a detailed report on Olympic hospitality, CCP Style:



“Relax,” the nurse says. But when the nurse is wrapped head-to-toe in a hazmat suit, and you’re sitting in an empty, echoing airport, and there’s a swab stabbing so deep in your brain it’s dislodging childhood memories, relaxation is tough to achieve.

“Once figures on the ground in Beijing become visible, it’s very clear this is no longer America. Everyone who comes in contact with international travelers is wrapped head-to-toe in white hazmat suits, faces covered, goggles and facemasks covering the only visible parts of their bodies — their eyes. It’s a surreal sight, and the merry drawings that decorate the suits — handwritten “Welcome to China!” messages, images of the Games’ mascots — do little to tamp down the unsettling vibe.


“The Beijing airport only adds to the second-act-of-a-disaster-movie feel. Normally a bustling hub of activity, the airport is utterly silent. A robotic, electronic version of “Fur Elise” that plays in the elevator is the opposite of comforting.


“There’s that nasal swab; the earliest journalists reported its severity on Twitter, and no matter how prepared you think you are, you’re not prepared enough. The Beijing 2022 theme is ‘Shared Future Together.’ Those within The Bubble aren’t anything close to together with the Chinese people, and that’s by design — welcome to China, now stay away from our people.


“Off the bus, travelers are shunted straight into their rooms, where they’re told to wait until the results of that airport test come through. Some travelers have tape strung across their door; others just open their door to find a chair with a sign instructing them to wait. The call comes an hour or so after arrival, and from there it’s off to an isolation facility for the unfortunate few, or the true start of the Games for those who clear the first of tests that will await them every day they’re in China.”


NBC hasn’t said a thing about the horrors of The Bubble formerly known as the Olympic Village, because everybody knows that the CCP owns the robot-zombie plague infested future.

Maura Moynihan

Maura Moynihan is a New York author, journalist, and long time analyst of the Chinese Communist Party's occupation of Tibet. She is a columnist with The Asian Age and has worked for many years with Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal. Her works of fiction include “Yoga Hotel” and “Kaliyuga.”


