The Superbowl is over, and NBC Olympic Anchor Mike Tirico appears in a set that conjures a Holiday Inn hospitality parlor, complete with stuffed toys on a comfy couch, snowy alpine vistas visible through wide windows.

NBC has thrown in the towel on pretending they are an actual news organization with “fair and balanced” coverage, they said “Uigher genocide” a couple of times at the opening ceremonies and once on Day 1 of competition, they’ve never said anything about the torments of The Bubble, formerly known as the Olympic Village, or explained why we aren’t getting any promo clips of host country facilities (perhaps NBC’s marketing team was a tad concerned that highlighting the CCP’s zombie-apocalypse-hazmat-suited hospitality staff might be a turn-off). Ratings are in the tank and there’s only 4 more days left of this fiasco, so the suits have clearly decided to just get it over with and pray that everyone remembers that the Superbowl is now an alpine sport.



On Feb. 14th, 2022. Eileen-Ailing Gu wins her 2nd Olympic medal, a Silver. NBC pours forth vapid Gu Gush, praising her prowess on the slopes and how she “laid it down and did what she had to do!” noting that Gu brought her lunchbox to the slope, and never ever mentions the passport controversy.

Numerous blogs defend Gu’s choice to Ski For CCP but having spent most of my life reading CCP propaganda I can tell from the strained grammar and CCP buzzwords that despite the American names and headshots attached to these blogs, the text is provided by Xinhua.

US media mostly quotes Gu’s praise for CCP: “It is amazing what everybody was able to do here, Aesthetically, scientifically, technically, to be able to pull this off in such a professional manner speaks volumes to the commitment China has put into winter sports.”

Like it’s really cool and modern to watch Olympic athletes skiing on fake snow in a rusty industrial compound surrounded by smokestacks, cause the CCP Does It Better.

On her Instagram feed Gu repeatedly states that “dichotomy” is her favorite word. In 2021 Gu told the Olympic Channel: “When I’m in China, I’m Chinese. When I’m in the US, I’m American.”

Despite NBC’s best efforts, the Gu passport controversy won’t go away. Many posts note that the PRC does not allow dual citizenship and if Gu joins the Stanford Freshman Class of 2022 this fall, she will need a student visa if she does in fact have a PRC passport tucked into her Louis Vuitton handbag, for which she is an international “brand ambassador.” (Since Gu’s 2 Olympic medal victories, sales for Louis Vuitton in the PRC have gone through the roof).

According to the IOC, Gu became a Chinese national in 2019, but in numerous interviews Gu said she chose to Ski For CCP in 2021, and “it was a really tough decision to make.” (Oh please, I can’t have yet another bourbon tonight).

The Daily Mail reports: “There is something chilling about the Chinese government using Gu as a PR weapon. China is facing increasing and deserved pressure for its atrocious human-rights record, and squelching of political dissent and religious freedom, and it is deploying an 18-year-old girl from San Francisco as a shield.” I would add that NBC is also deploying Gu as a mascot, for ChiMerica, Inc.

Watching NBC’s grotesque Olympic sports washing spectacle requires patience, and after my 8th hot toddy of the night I’m wondering if Alibaba invented Eileen-Ailing Gu, AI-robot-millennial-sports-beauty-influencer for ChiMerica, Inc., cause the CCP Does It Better.

Scott Kennedy, stalwart champion of US-CCP corporate merger, and senior “expert on China” at the Center for Strategic & International Studies in Washington, DC, said; “Gu’s story speaks to the benefits, the value, the opportunities that come from an interconnected world. Her gold medal may be placed in China’s column. But her success is a global success.”

Mr. Kennedy speaks for our elite financiers and industrialists, who have for decades extolled the superior “productive capacity” of the CCP’s dictatorship, a more “efficient” model of governance than our “messy democracy” as they shipped millions of US jobs and factories to Communist China, exploiting slave labor to maximize profits, decimating our nation’s heartland, and making the People’s Republic of China the fearsome monstrosity it is today.

Truly a “global success” for ChiMerica, Inc.

Meet ChiMerica Inc.’s Scott Kennedy, a Top US-CCP appeaser who wants to ship MORE US jobs and manufacturing to PRC.  Here’s his CSIS bio-data: “Scott Kennedy is senior adviser and Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). A leading authority on Chinese economic policy, Kennedy has been traveling to China for over 30 years. His specific areas of expertise include industrial policy, technology innovation, business lobbying, U.S.-China commercial relations, and global governance.”

NBC keeps torturing Team USA downhill skier Mikaela Shiffrin, who won Gold in PyeongChang 2018, but wiped out twice on Beijing 2022’s fake snow, airing endless closeups of Shiffrin as she sits in desolation near the slope.

When cutting to commercial breaks, NBC keeps showing close-ups of those cheap round glass things that you shake and get 20 seconds of fake snow fluttering over figurines, here it’s figurines of ice skaters, and it’s so lame I keep thinking of the Macy’s Christmas window displays which have much better lighting, colors and weather effects, and I wonder who at NBC Sports thought this looked good, or maybe it’s a subliminal message normalizing fake snow.


In heavy rotation are promos for the new NBC prime time series “AMBULANCE!” filled with SWAT teams, drug dealers and murder victims, and now I miss the Beverly Hillbillies.


NBC plays muzak jingles with 25-year-old rap beats, which is excruciating in the extreme.


NBC opens the Ladies’ Figure Skating Short Program by hammering on and on about the doping scandal enveloping 15-year-old Russian Kamila Valieva who takes 1st place and is without question the best skater in the lineup.

I don’t know enough about how performance enhancing drugs work, but I never read anywhere that performance enhancing drugs improve artistry, costumes and musical selection (figure skating is the only Olympic sport that is judged with athletic and artistic scores), and Valieva is an empyrean ballerina, with by far the best costumes and music, plus she does the most difficult jumps, and it’s getting tiresome listening to NBC commentators Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir wailing about how dreadful and disgusting it is that the evil Russians manipulated the IOC to let Kamila compete after testing positive for a banned substance, but they don’t say anything about how disgusting and dreadful it is that the IOC and NBC are sports washing the Uigher genocide.

At the end of her exquisite program Valieva collapses in tears, and I pity the poor child.

NBC Olympic commentators Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir, horrified by Russian skater’s Kamila Valieva doping scandal, dead silent on the CCP Uigher genocide, the death of Hong Kong, torture in Tibet and the CCP’s abuse and surveillance of Olympic athletes in The Bubble.


Retired Olympic figure skaters Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir lavish praise on their CCP hosts while pounding the diabolical Russians, but never address stories leaking from The Bubble, vicious mistreatment of athletes and fears that the CCP’s invasive testing of all Olympians plus reports of new viruses in Beijin­­g, could seed another global pandemic.

An AP photographer said: “In the airport it’s a bit scary, it’s almost like a hospital that was treating COVID patients in the second wave.”­­­

According to Creative Destruction Media, “Well-placed sources have informed CDMedia that the armed forces of the Chinese Communist Party, the People’s Liberation Army, have launched another virus on its own people during the Olympics in Beijing, in order for athletes and diplomats to return home and infect the rest of the world, particularly the West.”

JD Rucker writes in Substack: “Hong Kong virologist and CCP whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan has publicly alleged that the CCP and PLA are releasing a new, engineered bioweapon onto athletes and participants at the Beijing Olympic games. This deliberate release, says Dr. Yan, is timed to infect participants from dozens of countries around the world who will then unknowingly transport hemorrhagic fever to their home countries, unleashing another wave of a global pandemic.”


Go to the 42:00 mark in the following video from JD Rucker, which has been hosted on both Rumble and Brighteon, to hear Dr. Yan explaining this in detail. JD Rucker is found on Substack.com.


China Daily writes that the CCP Olympics “rallies people together and overcomes historical, cultural and even ideological differences.” Translate: Thanks to the IOC and trusted CCP appeasers like Scott Kennedy, who’ve colonized all the think tanks, foundations, consulting firms, business roundtables and university boards in these United States, the CCP is now the 21st century’s global hegemon and no one cares about the Uigher genocide.

Meanwhile, US journalists at the Beijing 2022 Winter Games are filing dispatches about daily life in the CCP’s high tech surveillance state.   

CBS News correspondent Jamie Yuccas reports from Beijing 2022; "We have burner phones with us, burner computers with us. I did not bring my personal cell phone with me at all because I was told of the security concerns here. I have family and friends who have traveled to China in the past who said, 'Just don't bring it. It's not worth it.' 


“Jack, my producer, and I, we're talking about the fact that we really needed more bottled water in our room. We were just talking in the hotel to ourselves. And all of a sudden, the next day when cleaning came, we both had 12 bottles of water in our room. So I have to believe that there are people listening.


“I had to have two COVID approved tests by facilities that were approved by the Chinese government before I was able to board my plane. I was temperature-checked on the plane. When I landed, I had a nasal swab and a throat swab. And now I have had throat swabs every day that I've been here. Every morning I have to enter in my health app, my temperature."



As NBC’s Olympic broadcast wraps up, we get a mere 20 seconds of Nordic speed skaters, because NBC is socially distancing from other countries to keep Americans safe.

Since I’m already paying for cable, I refuse to pay more for NBC’s Peacock streaming service and You Tube is blocking all Olympic videos, so I must wait till the Genocide Games are over to see the Dutch speedskaters. I can’t count how many times I’ve gazed upon Yuzuru Hanyu, Japan’s figure skating genius, when I must stop reading and writing about CCP concentration camps in Tibet, the Uigher genocide, Hong Kong, the plight of Chinese dissidents, and seek confirmation that seraphic beauty and grace still exists somewhere on Planet Earth.

Japan’s majestic Yuzuru Hanyu wins Gold in PyeongChang 2018, as the sorcerer Semei…

Now my new VPN notifies me that I’m being tracked all over the place from repeatedly hitting the NBC Olympic website and accepting cookies from all kinds of other websites, plus I forgot to restore the band aid that I always keep over the camera at the top of my made-with-slave-labor-in-the-PRC MacBook Air which is probably tracking everything I do anyway, but I imagine I’ll get hacked any minute now, cause I’m hurting the feelings of the CCP.

As NBC’s prime time Olympic broadcast winds up, Mike Tirico waves from his Holiday Inn winter wonderland set somewhere in the United States and hollers “Goodnight from Beijing!”

The message is clear:  I have no choice but to download Dong Dong, the brand-new Alibaba Olympic virtual influencer if I am to survive the next 4 days of this hideous spectacle.



NBC Olympic anchor Mike Tirico appears in a neon blue and white set that resembles a Marriott Marquis sports bar and informs us that tonight we’ll see the Ladies Figure Skating Final and Eileen-Ailing Gu going for another Gold in the Halfpipe.

Finally, we get two segments of a speed skating race, as Team USA’s Brittany Bowe wins Bronze, and a Japanese lady takes Gold. The Games are almost over (thank God) but we haven’t seen a single competition with Dutch speed skaters or Finnish Ski Jumpers, it’s 80% figure skating and free style skiing (cause that’s Gu’s thing), with a bit of downhill (mostly torturing Mikaela Shiffrin) not a single medal ceremony for Norwegian stars, whose team has won more Winter Olympic medals than any nation in history.


This is so annoying because I love seeing these spectacular athletes from other countries get a medal and a featurette, but NBC is strictly adhering to televised social distancing mandates.

Team Norway wins Olympic Gold in the Mixed Biathlon, Beijing 2022, not shown on NBC

Now comes the Ladies’ Figure Skating Final, with Gold medal favorite Kamila Valieva, the 15-year-old Russian beauty who won the Short Program. NBC keeps airing long shots of Kamila warming up backstage in a huge black mask, intoning “There’s Kamila in the searing spotlight of the Olympics, the doping scandal overshadowing everything.”


NBC’s Olympian commentators Johnny Weir and Tara Lipinski leveled vicious, histrionic attacks on Kamila throughout Tuesday night’s Short Program. “She should not be here. Period.”  roars Johnny, “This is such a tragedy that she is in competition after a positive test, and we have to reevaluate everything.” Johnny gets so triggered by Kamila’s presence in the rink, upon completion of his duties he needs to go outside and cry for a long time, then posts an Instagram video where he describes the agony and the horror “Of seeing what I just saw.”

NBC’s Johnny Weir & Tara Lipinski heap scorn upon Kamila Valieva, Beijing 2022

Johnny is not having a meltdown about the CCP’s Uigher Genocide, organ transplant tourism, the rape of Tibet and death of Hong Kong, the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, the 1958-62 Great Leap Forward wherein 60 to 80 million people starved to death in a government engineered famine, or the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution, when psychotic Red Guards burned books, demolished temples, and executed anyone deemed a “counterrevolutionary rightist” cause Johnny makes a bundle sports washing the CCP’s crimes for NBC.

Chinese citizens publicly tortured by Mao’s Red Guards during the CCP’s Cultural Revolution 1966-1976

NBC airs most of the competition, for once, and we get to see a Belgian lady do a wild routine to a belly dance funk medley, and Team USA’s Mariah Bell, who delivers the skate of her life and is polite and adorable in her post-skate NBC interview, breathing heavily in a mask.


Tara and Johnny’s commentary is inane and frenetic; “She needs to let the jumps work for her” “It’s not what you do but how you do it!” Now I miss Dick Buttons, 2 time Gold medalist and longtime Olympic commentator, who canned the platitudes for blunt assessments like “That was terrible, awful costume, poor artistry.”


I’ve always loathed Tara Lipinski since she stole the Gold Medal from the wondrous Michelle Kwan at Nagano 1998.California-born Kwan, whose parents immigrated from Hong Kong, was a luminous ballerina-athlete, always gracious and charming in interviews. Kwan admitted that “there were tears” when Lipinski prevailed by adding an extra jump, then squealed with shameless conceit, showing no sportsmanship or modesty in victory.

Nagaon 1998 - Tara Lipinski steals Gold from favorite Michelle Kwan, who wins Silver

The final lineup showcases 3 Russian stars: Alexandra Trusova, a daring redhead in goth chic who nails several quad jumps to a hard rock soundtrack, and the elegant Anna Schcherbakova who skates to a classical symphony, and finally the beleaguered Kamila Valieva.


Kamila leaps, slips and falls, falls again, then crumbles onto the ice in tearful despair.


Oh-so-Woke-and-Tolerant Tara & Johnny are poised and ready to burn Kamila at the stake, but the scores arrive, and Kamila is off the podium. Johnny shouts “Thank God!” Tara seethes “I blame the adults in the room for not supporting her.”


I wonder if Kamila, vessel of Terpsichore, was shielded by the Greek muse of dance, for in slipping on the ice and losing a medal, NBC hurriedly pivoted from vicious demonization to anointing her a martyr, after her crucifixion by Tara and Johnny.


So this brilliant teenager, who was without question the best skater of them all, is accused of getting a positive test during the Christmas holiday, but the test results are not made public until the 2022 Winter Games are well underway due to “Covid Restrictions” is vilified before the world, fails win a medal, and only then does NBC show mercy. NBC’s definition of mercy is airing spiteful close-ups of the traumatized child gasping in anguish in the Kiss & Cry area, which NBC milks for all it’s worth.


Tara issues a baleful warning: “This is a night we will be talking about for a long, long time.”

Cause a positive test for a banned substance in an elite sporting event is a crime against humanity, but it’s fine to host the Olympic Games in the nation state that spawned the catastrophic pandemic, butchers Uighers, Tibetans and Falun Gong adherents and threatens war with Japan, India and Taiwan, because Russia is the greatest threat to world peace.


The whole thing feels like a setup.




Now it’s time for Eileen-Ailing Gu’s final event, the Free Style Skiing Half Pipe.


Mike Tirico sets the stage with full Gu Gush: “San Francisco born Gu is skiing for China! She deferred going to Stanford and graduated high school early to get into these Games, and it’s extra special because she’s getting to ski with grandma watching live in Beijing!”


Like it’s so great that Gu got all that elite Team USA training and jumped ship to Team CCP, cause sports bring superpowers together.


Gu is the only competitor who gets several minutes of closeups, closing her eyes and rolling her head as Tirico murmurs in awe; “She does visualizations, where she sees every second of what’s she’s going to do.”


At this point I’m so bored with free style skiing cause it’s not nearly as impressive as speed skating or figure skating or downhill skiing, but it’s Gu’s thing and NBC is preparing the coronation of Genocide Barbie.


NBC gives us no close-ups or backstory about the other top skiers, other than “She had a knee injury last year, and she just got out of quarantine for COVID!”  


NBC does not describe the trials Olympians have suffered for these Winter Games: months of isolation and daily virus testing to ensure negative PCR certificates upon arrival in Beijing, ushered into The Bubble, testing positive for something and tossed into lockdown, deprived of practice and coaching, released hours before competition, or worse, excluded from competition due to “COVID restrictions.”


On Feb. 7th, 2022, one day after winning Silver in the figure skating team competition, Team USA’s Vincent Zhou received a phone call informing him he had a positive test, was held in solitary confinement for a week and excluded from the Men’s Finals.  Zhou said he couldn’t watch the event because “it was too emotionally difficult…I knew I could medal” but was happy for his victorious teammates.


After his release from quarantine on Feb. 15th, 2022, Zhou told the AP; “The symptoms I did have were honestly lighter than your average cold or flu. It felt like a mild cold. I think the worst thing was probably a sore throat and some congestion. For months I did everything short of moving to Antarctica, taking precautions, I honestly don’t know how I got it.”


Zhou, a first generation Chinese American like Eileen-Ailing Gu, did not jump ship to Team CCP. Zhou stayed loyal to Team USA and was shown no mercy.




I suspect Eileen-Ailing Gu is lodged in a deluxe suite far removed from tortuous daily CCP nasal swab testing, and spared 24/7 surveillance by “health” officials in hazmat suits.


Gu posted a Weibo selfie with Tiger Mom Gu Yan from somewhere “Within in The Olympic Bubble” with a cheerful CCP minder and heaping plates of hot food. Athletes in quarantine are posting photos of inedible rations, shoved under a bolted door.

As Gu leaps onto the Halfpipe track, NBC oozes “She speaks fluent Mandarin without even an accent, plus she’s a pretty good skier! She’s just so incredible, locking those grabs, just look at the way she pops off that turn, the 18-year-old who looks like a veteran out there!”


Gu nails her 3 runs and wins Gold.


NBC zooms in on Gu triumphant, flashing her multimillion-dollar smile as several CCP males in sleek beige jackets adorned with the PRC’s official red-gold emblem, and the red and orange elite CCP mask (not the standard white plastic face cone) clap and howl with steely belligerence. NBC doesn’t say who these men are, NBC just lingers on the scene and purrs “we’re not used to seeing this kind of style in Free Skating, that looks like a cashmere jacket he’s wearing!”


The belligerent CCP minders in sleek cashmere jackets keep howling and clapping, and for a moment Gu falls silent. She delivered for Team CCP. She chose Team CCP. Now she belongs to Team CCP.


NBC declares: “Take a bow Eileen Gu! Gold Medal Number 2! And isn’t it appropriate that the wind just kicks up the snow, like a tornado!”  NBC wants us to know that they don’t have issues with Team CCP denigrating Team USA by luring away their Superstar Ski Queen.

NBC shows way more of Gu’s victory than any other athlete, we never got to see Erin Jackson, the first African American woman on Team USA to win gold in a speed skating event. Just a few clips of Jackson smiling and waving.


In her post-victory interview NBC, the fiercely animated Gu wears a cutesy Panda hat – the official mascot of Beijing 2022 - rattles off stats about her training routine and how she just wants to sleep for ages, giggles a bit, then exults “Wow, Eileen Gu three-time Olympic medalist, like that is just insane for me to think about!” displaying none of the modesty or composure that I have always found so impressive about Olympic athletes.


NBC then timidly Goes There with the passport issue.


The NBC announcer clears his throat, and quavers; “You chose to compete for your mom’s homeland…” For a moment Gu freezes, then as if on cue, a woman seizes Gu in a hug. Gu dodges the passport question and says how amazing and fantastic it’s been “for all the work I’m trying to do, you know.” Gu forgets her standard line about dumping Team USA for Team CCP to inspire millions of Chinese girls to take up alpine sports.


The suits at NBC must be clinking Budweisers in relief; they discharged the passport controversy with a tepid half-question that was conveniently interrupted by a hug, so now they can resume “Stories That Count, From People Who Care.”


NBC airs more close-ups of the stupid glass bubble Xmas thing with that you shake and get 20 seconds of fake snow fluttering over figurines, then cuts to Olympic anchor Mike Tirico in the Marriot Marquis sports bar set for the nightly wrap up.


Tirico praises Ice Princess Gu, says nothing about the passport issue, then dives to the Main Event; villainous Russians despoiling the hallowed Olympic halls with yet another abhorrent doping scandal.


Tirico tries and fails to channel Bob Costas gravitas in a tedious monologue: “What happened here makes us sad and angry. Great harm has been done to the Games, and greater harm has been done to a15-year old standing alone on the ice. Valieva has been called as villain and victim, but she is a victim. Guilt by association is often called unfair, but applies here, to the adults who let this happen. Now Russia has tarnished a marquee event. IOC President Thomas Bach lashed out at Valieva’s entourage for their ‘cold treatment.’  Going forward there will be tremendous pressure to lock Russia out of any events for a very, very long time, and stringent testing of all Russian athletes. The very future of the Games will be in jeopardy.”


So it’s okay for IOC President Thomas Bach to haul Tennis star Peng Shuai out of detention for a photo-op at Gu’s 1st Gold medal win – a French journalist got an interview with Peng and said she appeared frightened and gave rote answers to his queries about her wellbeing as CCP minders hovered round – and that when pressed to condemn the allegations of the Uighur genocide, Bach growled that the IOC was not some ‘super world government’ capable of tackling issues that defeated the United Nations Security Council, because the Russian doping scandal is the greatest affront to the conscience of mankind since the first Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece.


Thanks to NBC, the CCP scores a twofer; normalizing Gu’s defection to the PRC’s barbarous dictatorship and making the abominable Russian doping scandal the biggest story of the 2022 Beijing Genocide Games.


Bob Costas, where are you? Oh right, you condemned the IOC and NBC for sports washing Communist China’s manifold atrocities, and such honor and rectitude is not compatible with CCP Olympic spirit.


A VISA ad makes the first mention thus far the many athletes from tropical, African and Gulf states that don’t have snow or mountains, making their Winter Olympic debut in the opening night Parade of Nations.  A strident female voice proclaims; “This is the first Winter Olympics for Saudi Arabia and Haiti, first for mixed gender teams together, and the most women athletes ever - VISA; a network powering participation.”


I guess that means participation in the CCP’s Belt & Road Initiative, cause not one of these 1st time Winter Olympians from tropical, African and Gulf states has shown up in a single competition, and I’m curious as to whether “athletes” like the alleged “top skier” from Saudi Arabia are cutting deluxe IOC-BRI endorsement deals while partying somewhere in Beijing far removed from daily CCP nasal swab torture, or if they fled straight to the airport after the opening night Parade of Nations photo op.

The good news is that the US public is boycotting the Genocide Games, and the suits at NBC’s corporate headquarters in New York City’s Rockefeller Center are on track to lose millions.


WBAL reports: “The numbers are stark but not a surprise. Strained relations between the United States and China due to economic and human rights issues and a lack of buzz coming into the Games have been significant factors.


Neal Pilson, former president of CBS Sports, said ‘Yes, we have run into a bunch of bad factors that have made it harder for us. There are a whole range of subliminal factors that are negatives when it comes to an event in China.


“But when a marketer or fan watches the telecasts, they’re not supporting China or any political agenda that China has. They’re supporting the US athletes.”


Mr. Pilson, the US public does not support ChiMerica, Inc. exploiting our athletes to legitimize the CCP’s genocidal dictatorship. So please don’t tell us that your lousy ratings are just “a whole range of subliminal factors that are negatives” whatever that means.

NBC’s Olympic prime time ads are consistently idiotic, with lines like “being a mom doesn’t mean you stop dreaming” which doesn’t make any sense. Toyota’s slogan is “Start Your Impossible” which does makes sense, because I have Stared My Impossible by forcing myself to watch every night of the 2022 NBC Genocide Games.


Towards the end of the nightly broadcast, NBC runs the weird blue and white Scientology spot, and a stiff, dull ad with 3 token Alpha males: Eli Manning and 2 aged football stars promoting an NFL app. The script ends with “if you need help with your gambling, we’ll provide support.” This cuts to an ad for SportBetrivers.com where a redheaded nerd in an absurd checkerboard pantsuit places sports bets on a mobile phone.


An avuncular male voice provides narration for an inclusive electric car ad for Ford Motors that is simply ridiculous.

Gu’s management team and Kellogg are doubtless reaching closure on the Wheaties Box.

Maura Moynihan

Maura Moynihan is a New York author, journalist, and long time analyst of the Chinese Communist Party's occupation of Tibet. She is a columnist with The Asian Age and has worked for many years with Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal. Her works of fiction include “Yoga Hotel” and “Kaliyuga.”


