The 2022 Genocide Games have mercifully come to an end. I watched all 16 nights of NBC’s prime time coverage and spent hours reading reports in US and global media, including Xinhua, Global Times, and my personal favorite, People’s Daily Online. But I forgot to go the liquor store before tonight’s Closing Ceremonies, the bourbon jar is empty, my eyes hurt, and I can’t decide if I deserve a medal for stamina or need counselling to manage my morbid obsession with the CCP’s Stalinoid dementia, which permeates US corporate media’s coverage of Beijing 2022.

NBC Olympic anchor Mike Tirico appears on a blue and white neon set for a prime time special entitled “Olympic Gold; a look back at the Games’ most memorable performances.”


Tirico opens with another insipid monologue: “These Winter Games have made it to the finish line, though no one would deny the shadow that China’s place in the world – and a world that seems to be more troubled and complicated by the day – cast over the competition. It’s fair to question how we’re going to look back at these Games. Fair to question whether they should have been held here, and what they did and did not achieve. The U.S. government was not represented at the Games, the athletes of the world were. Nearly 2,900 of them from 91 different delegations getting to compete and realize dreams that were, in many cases, lifetimes in the making.”


Does anyone at NBC truly believe the public will fall for this con job? Now I really want to know who writes Tirico’s scripts and how much they get paid.

Apparently, the suits at NBC think all they have to do is say “it’s fair to question” the monstrous crimes of the CCP and pretend to be an actual news organization of some sort, cause the CCP’s Uigher genocide and the CCP Virus and the collapse of civilization as we knew it are minor issues compared to “the athletes of the world getting to complete and realize dreams.”


Having checked the CCP Atrocity box, Tirico shows a few sports clips and welcomes a few athletes. Snowboard icon Shaun White reflects on his Olympic career, 4 Games, 5 medals, 2 Golds. Shaun is now 35, he just missed the podium, competing with a busted leg, but remains endearing and gallant, and is without question the coolest guy on Team USA. And the only one who dared post an Instagram selfie with a Tibetan lady, holding the Tibetan National Flag. In the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Tibetans caught with their national flag risk incarceration and torture for the crime of “counterrevolutionary thought.”


Tirico also chats with Andy Browne, Editorial Director of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum, and Yale professor Jing Tsu, who both joined Tirico in Beijing’s Bird’s Nest Stadium for the Opening Ceremonies.  Browne has certainly changed his tune since Birds Nest, when he went All In for Team CCP and plugged the Belt & Road Initiative, stating; “Xi is sending the message that China won't be lectured to on human rights or on any other issue. And it’s worth remembering that while Western countries may be boycotting these Olympics over human rights issues, China styles itself as a champion of the developing world, and it has plenty of support in countries from Africa to Latin America where its investments are building up local economies.”



But on closing night, Browne appears a bit shaken by his brief incarceration in The Bubble, formerly known as the Olympic Village.


I found the NBC press release, with the full transcript, plus the video (see links below).

Some excerpts:


Browne: “I mean, to me, the event underscored the reality that the United States and China are living in completely separate worlds. We were there, the journalists were there, the athletes were there, the coaches were there, but we weren’t there. We were in this closed loop bubble. We were on the outside looking in. We were looking at China through wire mesh fences…In a wider sense, of course this isn’t just Covid, Covid has made it worse. In a wider sense, these two countries are drifting apart. There is no real conversation, there is no communication and there is no immediate end in sight to this.”


Dude got a CCP reality check in the Bubble.


Prof. Jing: “When we saw the Uighur athlete (lighting the Olympic torch) we saw human rights, but for the Chinese, that was a symbol of national unity. So I think throughout the Olympics, that was the metaphor that carried through. I think for the Chinese, they thought it was a success. They had the story that they wanted, they took pleasure in Eileen Gu, they won more gold than the United States, and essentially for them it was a party.”


Translation: We won, you lost. Deal with it.


Browne: “I think that at key moments though, your audience in China is watching a very different Olympics. They’re not having a dialogue or understanding the political controversy, they are not hearing about the diplomatic boycott, they’re not seeing Peng Shuai. But then, so was the way that the Games were portrayed, the camera lens focuses in quite narrowly on the snow-covered mountains, but the lens is rarely widened to see the arid, brown mountains behind.”


I don’t recall NBC “having a dialogue or understanding the political controversy” during these past 16 days of energetic sports washing. NBC mentioned the Uighers a few times on Days 1 & 2, ignored the tribulations of athletes caged in The Bubble, let Golden Gu dodge the passport question, had a meltdown when real snow messed up the fake snow, normalized the CCP’s punitive “COVID restrictions” and aired a mere 20 seconds of Peng Shuai huddled in a drab coat and white plastic face cone, enclosed by CCP minders and IOC President Thomas Bach, who assured Mike Tirico that Peng was “doing fine.”


Browne’s abrupt conversion to reality elicits steely glares from Prof. Jing, and vacuous head nods from Mike Tirico.






 I find another NBC video with Tirico, Jing and Browne, filmed before their opening night cluster in Bird’s Nest, where Browne explains how the Beijing 2008 Summer Games launched China’s Rise from an economy something near the size of Japan to America’s superpower archrival, thanks to a frenzied post-games influx of FDI and massive technology transfer of advanced security and surveillance equipment, to ensure a “safe and terror-free Olympics.”  The CCP swiftly deployed these tools to expand their concentration camps in Tibet and Xinjiang and accelerate the Uigher genocide and were rewarded with a 2nd Olympics 14 years later. 


Game CCP.




I wonder if Bloomberg China “expert” Andy Browne is dialing down his enthusiasm for ChiMerica, Inc., after doing time in the CCP’s Olympic “closed loop” penal colony.

A camera follows reporters backstage at Birds Nest, filming Team USA athletes, answering questions like “This must be so incredible for you, what’s it like to be a mom and win an Olympic medal?” (Cause that’s never happened before) when we the people just want to hear athletes tell their stories without corporate Woke identity-politics posturing, which is driving ratings into the tank.



A special feature of the Closing Ceremony is the host county’s cultural program, where dancers, musicians actors and artists celebrate their history and traditions. Sochi 2014 was one of the best ever, with Bolshoi ballerinas, a panorama of Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and 50 classical pianists on a revolving stage. But Xinhua tells us that the CCP will not present the nation’s finest performing artists depicting China’s rich and ancient culture, instead, the CCP will treat us to a parade of “365 ordinary people promoting harmonious society.”



NBC presents Terry Gannon, Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir, our hosts for the Closing Ceremonies. Tara wears a spangled mini-dress, Johnny dons a peculiar bouffant headdress, flouncy white blouse and plaid trousers that looks like…I don’t know what it looks like. Tara and Johnny open the show with a frenzied rant about their favorite topic, the ruination of Russian skating prodigy Kamila Valieva, who tested positive for a banned substance and despoiled the Beijing 2022 Winter Games.


Tara: “It was the worst thing that I have ever witnessed in all of my years in skating and covering events. And to see the Olympic champion Anna Shcherbakova just standing there with a teddy bear and not a hug in sight, it was heartbreaking.”

Johnny: “It was horrifying, it was traumatic for everyone. It was so hard to watch. It shouldn’t have happened, to protect her mentally.”

Tara: “I just had this image when she took the ice of, you know, when little girls get pushed out by their coaches just to glide to center ice? That’s what I felt they did to her; you deal with this.”

Johnny: We need to focus on the teams, you are crafting these dreams for people. These are children and they need to be treated responsibly.”


So stop torturing the poor child and talk about something else and stop torturing the audience with these insane costumes.


And if you really think watching a teenager doing triple quads and double toe loops in an elite sporting event after testing positive for something is the worst thing you’ve ever witnessed, worse than the CCP’s billion dollar organ transplant industry, please book a flight to Urumchi International Airport in China’s Xinjiang Province, where you will see a special immigration lane for organ transplant tourists who pay extra for organs ripped from the bodies of live prisoners in under 24 hours.


Terry Gannon states: “There will certainly be scrutiny about the Russians going forward” as if we didn’t know that already, then adds “This is the Olympic experience: after all that emotion at the end of competition, you still have a little gas left in the tank for the closing ceremonies!”


Now comes a wide shot of the digital Snowflake, which hovers over the dreary parade of “365 ordinary people promoting harmonious society” and a troupe of youthful dancers bearing red lanterns and long green LED light sticks. Terry Gannon intones “The Snowflake is live augmented technology, it’s not really there.”  Tara responds: It’s not? Why are you ruining this for us?”


Tara continues: “The lantern symbolizes family unity, harmony and happiness, and in these games with no family allowed, the team became our family. Terry Gannon adds “The green willow twigs symbolize spring, and hopefully, a new beginning, away from all the negativity.”  Johnny chimes: “In China when friends part they get a willow twig.”


I hunt through my depleted liquor cabinet and haul out dregs of ancient Vermouth.

A pink and blue lighting effect moves upwards toward the Snowflake, then morphs into a shiny green column. The Snowflake starts changing from one doily pattern to another as the Parade of Nations opens to a thundering Cultural Revolution opera version of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, which morphs into disco.

The jubilant Olympians march into the stadium, waving and presumably smiling, but they’re all wearing masks so you can’t see anything.  I spot a man in a grass skirt and feathered head dress doing a Kon-Tiki dance, but I can’t find the “top skier” from Saudi Arabia or delegates from other BRI countries “not located in cold weather regions but their athletes have overcome numerous obstacles to make history for their nations” according to Xinhua. NBC doesn’t zoom in on Eileen-Ailing Gu, but People’s Daily Online reported that she was pictured on a jumbotron and that made Papa Xi smile.


The Parade of Nations winds down and the camera moves to CCP Dictator Xi Jingping. Mike Tirico gives a bit of Xi’s bio, as Xi rotates like the Snowflake, waving to his guests.


We hear a drumroll. “Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand for the national anthem of China” is announced in French English and Mandarin. The CCP anthem plays as the Blood Flag is raised by a squadron of armed, unmasked PLA soldiers.

IOC President Thomas Bach glowers from a podium flanked by youthful, unmasked males in puffy white coats, and speaks; “Athletes, we salute you. You embraced each other, even if your countries are divided by conflict. The unifying power of the Olympic Games is stronger than the forces that want to divide us: you give peace a chance.”


"The Olympic spirit could only shine so brightly because the Chinese people set the stage in such an excellent way - and in a safe way. The Olympic Villages were outstanding. The venues - magnificent. The organization - extraordinary. This unforgettable experience was only possible because of our gracious hosts, the Chinese people. With these truly exceptional Olympic Winter Games Beijing 2022 we welcome China as a winter sport country."

The Olympic Flame is lowered, and children gather beneath the Snowflake, pretending to sing the Olympic Anthem. Close-ups show the children straining to lip-synch in time with the music, many looked confused, some just smile and move their heads side to side.  

Xinhua writes, “A heavenly chorus then emerged. It was the Olympic Anthem, sung by a choir of 44 children standing next to the flagpole, firmness in their eyes, clearness in their voices. In the four months leading to the opening ceremony, the 44 children completed a daunting task; learn how to sing a song in Greek and doing so entirely acapella. Even the naughtiest boys in the choir were in awe when they walked into the giant Bird's Nest stadium.

“When the playing finished, nobody talked as everyone was trying to comprehend what had struck their hearts - the heavenly voices of these children on the Olympic stage and singing the Olympic Anthem loudly in Greek, with purity, beauty and innocence. Under the limelight, they brought joy and inspiration to the world in a confident manner, just as chief director Zhang had hoped. It really speaks for itself."

Johnny says, “This is supposed to symbolize peace, harmony and family.”

Tara responds “This is amazing, the kids! I’m getting chills!”


I’m getting chills too, but not the good kind.


Now comes the grand finale; the Snowflake hovers over an enormous ball painted with maps of Planet Earth’s 5 continents, flanked by 2 child actors. A neon circle appears on the LED rink, with Mandarin characters and the words “Duality – Together.” Fireworks explode above Bird’s nest, and the sky fills ONE WORLD ONE FAMILY. In English.


One world ruled by the Chinese Communist Party’s genocidal dictatorship.

The CCP’s nimble propaganda machine blasts the internet with glowing reviews of their Olympic tournament, and as per usual, many are reprinted in US media, notably the AP and CNN.


Why bother with CNN when you can just click Xinhuanet.com? Founded in 1931 as the Red China News Agency, Xinhua “is a ministry-level institution subordinate to the State Council and is the highest ranking state media organ in the country alongside the People's Daily. He Ping, President of Xinhua, is a member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.”


Read this whopper:

BEIJING, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) “China has lived up to its promise of delivering the world a ‘safe and splendid’ Winter Olympics, as it also went to great lengths to showcase a future world which has robot chefs cooking meals, self-driving cars and smart navigation supported by augmented reality and artificial intelligence.

“In addition to glittering performances from a sporting standpoint, Chinese athletes also showcased an appreciative image to the world. While youngsters are on the rise, veterans' stories of persisting in chasing their dreams offer more motivation.

“The popularity of Olympic Mascot, Panda Bear Bing Dwen Dwen, has mainly been attributed to its cuteness in addition to its embodiment of Chinese elements and the Winter Olympics. To make the panda look more pleasant, Cao and his team visited southwest China's Sichuan Province, known as the hometown of giant pandas, to observe pandas up close and personal. They found that a panda cub's head, and body ratio is different from that of adult pandas, making them even cuter. Therefore, the design needed to highlight Chinese characteristics and elements of the Winter Olympics in a unique combination.

“Meanwhile, foreign athletes and staff participating in Beijing 2022 have also shown their passion for the mascot. This demonstrates that China's cultural symbols can win the hearts of foreigners.”

I didn’t realize that the weird-looking black and white ball handed to Medal winners was Bing Dwen Dwen, so I’m glad I checked Xinhuanet.com and got closure.

Team USA’s Tessa Maud said Chinese food culture in Beijing had been a totally new and enjoyable culinary experience and even posted videos showing off her meals on TikTok on her account, @tessamaud. In Chinese culture, she said, "they utilize using most parts of each animal," which she thinks is "really cool."

"You're not wasting anything. You're utilizing the whole part of each animal. So I think that's really important in cuisine as well," she said. "You don't see that in American food culture."


Fun link about the 2022 Closing Ceremonies from People’s Daily Online


Not all reviews of Beijing 2022 are raves.

Swedish speed skater Nils van der Poel won 2 Gold medals in Beijing 2022, skipped the closing ceremonies, flew back to Sweden and told the press: “The Olympics is a fantastic sporting event where you unite the world and nations meet. But I think it is extremely irresponsible to give it to a country that violates human rights as blatantly as the Chinese regime is doing. I really think it's terrible.”

HBO’s Real Time host Bill Maher; “I’m sure you’ve heard about American citizen Eileen Gu who was born and raised here in America, but who chose to ski in the Olympics for China, Cool, huh? Is that cool now? To choose to represent a totalitarian police state over America? We have to find out where we got this rule, we can’t criticize China. I suspect we got it from China. Because, after all, it’s where we get everything else.”

TEAM USA’S VINCENT ZHOU – stalked by the CCP…Team USA’s Vincent Zhou, a medal favorite in figure skating for Beijing 2022, endured weeks of painful self-isolation and took the requisite 45 PCR three weeks before gaining permission to fly to Beijing. After winning a silver in the team competition, Zhou was tossed into quarantine, missed the men’s final, but was released in time for the skating exhibition.

Team USA Olympic skaters Tara Lipinski and Johnny Weir are dead silent about the CCP’s disgraceful mistreatment of Team USA skater Vincent Zhou.

On Sunday Feb. 20th, 2022, Zhou posted this on Instagram;

“Before boarding the bus to the stadium for the closing ceremonies, they flagged me as a COVID ‘close contact’ risk and would not allow me to proceed further,” Zhou wrote. “I have tested negative 14 times in a row. I have antibodies and am not contagious whatsoever. I am 100% healthy and normal. I am double masked and would be walking outdoors with the same people I am about to travel with. Out of everyone marching, I would be the least at risk of transmitting to others.”


ZHOU’S Feb. 7th, 2022, VIDEO posted from CCP lockup HERE:


Business Insider reports: “Twitter removed hundreds of fake accounts and bots included in a recent New York Times and ProPublica investigation into Chinese Olympic propaganda. The investigation found 3,000 "inauthentic-looking Twitter accounts that appeared to be coordinating to promote the Olympics by sharing state media posts with identical comments," many of which depicted a rosy vision of the Games that glossed over controversies involving human rights abuses in China, the outlets reported on Friday.



AP reports: “Nefarious cyber activity is a flashpoint in the geopolitical rivalry between China and the West. Beijing has long been accused by the U.S. and technology watchdogs of widespread online snooping and data pilfering, allegations it denies. Now that the Games are ending, and some 16,000 athletes, organizers, journalists and other visitors are heading home, concerns turn to what malware and other problems those who failed to heed the warnings might be carrying with them.”


“For these Games, the government made sure to put out the nice China. Inside the loop, all was amiable — fronted by young and enthusiastic volunteers, embodied by a cheerful fat panda mascot named Bing Dwen Dwen. The earnest men and women in hazmat suits were friendly, at least as far as one could tell underneath the masks and goggles and full-body plastic.

“The closed-loop bubble removed a sizable portion of heart and soul from the 2022 Olympics. So in a way, the Olympic bubble was the perfect microcosm of hide-all-the-blemishes business as usual, set against a globalized, mascot-saturated, winter-wonderland backdrop.”

The Daily Mail: “Worst Winter Olympics Ends”

China's President XI Jinping and his reverential followers banded together inside the iconic Birds Nest Stadium to parade 365 'ordinary people' to mark the closing of the games. This, they said, was not about 'stars, professional singers, dancers or actors;' but about your average Joe getting his moment.

“As he sat back on his velvet cushion and watched the fireworks spectacle, Xi and China believed they had got away with it.

“These were the lockdown Olympics, Covid had given the Chinese leaders ample excuse to rake in the billions and also bar any westerner from speaking to the people of Wuhan or Xinjiang, where countless thousands of Muslims have been murdered, tortured or incarcerated.

“Athletes, coaches and the media were followed and tracked everywhere they went through being photographed and digitally checked in and out. One journalist was threatened with arrest for trying to leave his hotel and inquire how Covid had been for those very 'ordinary' Chinese men and women. Sinister police vehicles with a multitude of cameras and screens were positioned to count visitors out and back in at hotels. Attendees couldn't even venture out to buy a loaf of bread, let alone enjoy a spot of vitamin D.

“Luke de Pulford, a human rights campaigner, who co-ordinates the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, said it was a 'catastrophic failure' for China. 

Writing in the Telegraph, he said: 'It's difficult to overstate just how bad the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics have been. So bad, in fact, that the hashtag 'OlympicFlop' is giving 'GenocideGames' a run for its money. This isn't exactly the PR China wanted. Suffice to say, this hasn't been the propaganda victory Beijing was hoping for.'’



NBC’s Beijing 2022 coverage ends with a final monologue from Mike Tirico: “We saw so many tears of joy, tears of sadness. We saw ‘I love yous’ connected across oceans by technology. Those smiles, that joy, it’s so much of what so many of us need in world that feels more uphill every day.

“But a series of closed-loop bubbles driven by the nation’s stringent zero-Covid policy left any of us who were there with no chance to experience its unique characteristics or independently explore the many questions the world has about the nation. Right from the messaging of the Opening Ceremony – prominently featuring a member of the Uighur population, the ethnic minority at the center of the human rights abuses that resulted in the U.S.-led diplomatic boycott – China put a flame to the IOC’s desire to decouple Olympics and politics.

“But if that dream has died, the Olympics are still for those who dream. Athletes who gathered from all corners were again bonded by the age-old sacrifices of training as well as the very modern-day requirement of staying clear of Covid. In the event of a positive test, makeshift quarantine preparations. But nothing keeps them for this experience because the reward still resonates, and we still marvel as we watch.

“There’s still a one-of-a-kind thrill to the sight of gold and silver wrapped in red, white and blue. The rush of winning gold for your country. Even gold for the host country, for someone raised in America. Eileen Gu’s Games were in the moment magnificent, and a window into the complicated future of a global melting pot, all while providing hope that the future has so many rising stars to look forward to.’


“The Olympics have always been imperfect, and maybe more so now than ever before. But nothing else brings the world together like this. But with troops amassing and militaries maneuvering, these nights again reminded us of the power of sport, the power of people, and the power of the Games to galvanize.”


Tirico’s script said “Uighers” but not “genocide.” Tests, masks, Covid lock up, digital surveillance, hazmat suits, all normalized, as is Dumping Team USA to Ski For CCP.


NBC flashes videos of menacing Russian soldiers with guns. No videos of PLA bomber jets invading Taiwan’s air space.


Eileen-Ailing Gu’s management team is scheduling the photoshoot for the Wheaties Box.

Maura Moynihan

Maura Moynihan is a New York author, journalist, and long time analyst of the Chinese Communist Party's occupation of Tibet. She is a columnist with The Asian Age and has worked for many years with Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal. Her works of fiction include “Yoga Hotel” and “Kaliyuga.”


