On Tuesday Feb. 8th 2022 NBC showcases ChiMerica Inc., with the coronation of Eileen-Ailing  Gu, the wealthy American millennial model-influencer and US Olympian who jumped ship for Team CCP and won gold in the first of her 3 alpine competitions at the 2022 Gulag Games.


NBC’s Mike Tirico, reporting from Beijing on a new set that evokes a deluxe suite at a Colorado Best Western, introduced “Gu, the phenomena from China!” Tirico then gushed about Gu’s modeling career, her SAT scores, that she’s a Stanford undergrad, alma mater of her Chinese mother Gu Yan, and how “she does visualizations, like she plays a movie in her head, and sees gold!” Tirico then says, with a sentimental touch, “A California native, Gu has an American dad and a Chinese mother, and tonight, she’ll be skiing for mom’s homeland.”


Like that’s totally normal to dump Team USA and Ski For CCP, after the CCP crippled the planet with their bioweapon, seized control of the WHO – the villainous Tedros was one of the CCP torchbearers during Friday night’s opening ceremony – is beating the drums of war across Asia, slaughtering the Uighers, cause that happened all the time during the Cold War and the 1936 Hitler Games, so it’s really not a big deal or anything.

As I recall, it was athletes from behind the Iron Curtain who yearned to defect to the west. I don’t remember US athletes defecting to the USSR or Cuba or North Korea, but maybe I’m wrong, cause history is reported differently in Xinhua, so maybe I’m reading disinformation in one of my many Olympic History coffee table books that I’ve collected from flea markets over the decades.

The AP stated: “San Francisco-born Eileen Gu secured her first gold medal for China on Tuesday in dramatic fashion. Gu, who gave up her American citizenship to compete for the hosts in Beijing, is nicknamed ‘The Snow Princess’.” CCN wrote Gu’s gold “sparked celebration in the stands and on Chinese media.” ESPN wrote: “Gu opted to compete for China at these Games. With the win, Gu takes China's gold medal haul to three, triple their total from the Pyeongchang Olympics.”

I don’t see a quote from US Olympians like Jen Hudak, Gold medalist in skiing, who told the New York Post “Gu became the athlete she is because she grew up in the United States, where she had access to premier training grounds and coaching that, as a female, she might not have had in China. I think she would be a different skier if she grew up in China.”

“This makes me sad,” added Hudak, who retired in 2014 after knee injuries derailed her career. “It would be nice to see the medals going to America.” https://nypost.com/2022/02/01/olympian-eileen-gu-competing-for-china-is-ruffling-us-skiers/

During competition, NBC displays Gu’s 2 names, her US name Eileen plus Ailing, a Mandarin name she selected for her PRC fanbase. I don’t recall seeing this kind of concession to dual nationality in the Olympics, but maybe I’m having memory loss issues.


Eileen/Ailing has a US father and Chinese mother, which I read somewhere gives her dual citizenship, so if anyone knows US -PRC dual citizenship rules (which I assume can be bent for celebrity model-athletes like Gu) please let me know, cause I checked the US State Department website and it was confusing.

Videos from Gu’s event once again showcase the grim industrial park and enormous smokestacks and brown snowless hills that serve as backdrop for the alpine competition, and for the first time included a wide shot of downtown Beijing, where the air looked like an ashtray.

NBC dispenses with any token reference to the Uigher genocide, or Beijing’s AQI index, and goes All In for Team CCP.

NBC makes no mention of the Eileen/Ailing Gu passport question, maybe cause after winning Gold, the story has legs. The Daily Mail reports: “We can say with confidence the issue of Gu’s nationality will not go quietly.” NBC and Gu are getting hammered in articles and on social media for “sportwashing” the CCP Genocide Games, rating have tanked, and Gu has 2 more events in the coming days, so the suits at NBC must be in a huddle with their crisis management consultants.


South China Morning Post writes of Eileen-Ailing Gu; “Despite being primarily educated in the US schooling system and going on to attend an elite US university, Eileen praised the Chinese school system as superior, saying in an interview state broadcaster CCTV that: “My mother told me that studying in Beijing for 10 days equals what I could learn in the US for a year!”

CCN weighs in on the Eileen/Ailing Gu affair: “

“As an influencer, Gu is admired for her fashion choices and what many Chinese social media users call her "biracial beauty." On Xiaohongshu, China's version of Instagram, beauty influencers rush to upload makeup tutorials on how to mimic Gu's "biracial looks."

“Gu has been held up as the "pride of China" emblematic of a perceived victory over America. For decades, China's brightest and best have flocked to the US to pursue the American dream. And now, an Olympic medal-winning talent, born and trained in America, has chosen to represent China, a resounding affirmation of the country's rising strength and power. Chinese state-run media outlets duly praised Gu’s patriotism as well as her skill. Proof they were moving inexorably closer to gaining sporting as well as economic supremacy over the U.S.”

Zero mention that the CCP Virus unleashed hell but that doesn’t matter because the coronation of Gu The Genocide Barbie is proof that the CCP can get away with it because they own the future.


Journalists are hunting down info on Gu’s American father, but he remains a phantom.

NBC airs a long promo about Gu, she dyes the front strands of her hair bright blonde, wears Cat Woman make-up and has a harsh laugh. But she knows how to work the camera and the runway, and now she’s the Olympic Champion, and NBC and all US media are normalizing and applauding Gu’s choice to ski not for her homeland, Team USA, but for the barbarous dictators in the CCP.

After Gu’s coronation, we go to the ice rink for the Men’s Figure Skating Short Program.

Tirico blandly reads that CCP tennis star Peng Shui, who disappeared after accusing a CCP official of sexual assault, was seen at Gu’s triumph with IOC President Thomas Bach and that Peng said “I’m doing fine.” No videos of Peng, just assurances that she’s doing fine.

Tuesday Feb. 8th, 2022, showcases the Men’s Figure Skating Short Program.

Vincent Zhou, age 21, born in California soon after his parents immigrated from China, both are now computer scientists in Silicon Valley, is an undergraduate at Brown, and in Pyeongchang 2018 skated beautifully for Team USA, coming in 5th. On Sunday Feb. 6th 2022 Team USA won silver in the team competition, where Zhou wore a costume with traditional Chinese attire and skated to music from “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”

Zhou tested positive for something, and was thrown into a quarantine cell, as are all athletes who test positive for something, the majority from Nordic and Slavic countries. Zhou posted an anguished video from his cell, holding back tears, unsure of what he tested for, stunned that years of hard work are lost forever, as he cannot skate in the Olympic Games.

I wondered, had Zhou followed the lead of former Team USA Olympian Eileen/Ailing Gu, who jumped ship to Ski For CCP, would he have been thrown into a quarantine cell? Just a thought.

At the rink, the Men’s Short program begins with 2 time Olympic Champion, Japan’s Yuzuru Hanyu, superstar of the 2018 Pyeongchang Games, my most adored Olympian (figure skating is my favorite Olympic thing ever since I saw Peggy Fleming win Gold at the 1968 Grenoble Games, I was only in grade school but I recall seeing mountains with real snow, plus pine trees in Grenoble too). Yuzuru, age 27 and recently injured, misses his opening jump, and looks like he won’t make the podium.

Thursday Feb. 10th 2022 showcases the Men’s Figure Skating Final

Japan’s Yuzuru Hanyu, attempts to land the most difficult of all jumps, takes a fall, but rises to complete a beautiful skate, and is praised by NBC for a “gutsy performance.” Afterwards Yuzu chats with reporters, says he’s disappointed that he sprained his ankle in practice, photos emerged of Yuzu backstage with a huge ice pack on his ankle, but he gave it his all and came in 4th, then Yuzu sits with his Japanese teammates and cheers them on to victory, as Japan’s Yuma Kagiyama and Shoma Uno take Silver and Bronze. 

I shed a tear watching Yuzu’s graceful interview afterwards, he said he felt a hole in the ice that caused him to miss his jump. Other skaters are telling coaches of problems with the ice because they were not permitted to arrive in time to practice on the new rink, plus many were tossed into quarantine cells.

A young Russian skater, sprung just hours before competition, delivers a magnificent skate and afterwards jumps for joy, in tears. NBC’s Tirico reports “He’s just been let out of quarantine, and he seized his Olympic moment. That’s the spirit we love.”

Like it's just totally normal for the host nation to toss anyone they want into fetid cells with spoilt food for as long as they want, and if the Olympian is lucky, they get let out in time to join their team, cause that happens all the time at the Olympics cause sports bring people together.


Team USA’s Nathan Chen wins the Gold. An undergrad at Yale, Chen was born in Salt Lake City after his parents immigrated from China, his father is a research scientist and his mother is a medical translator. Chen was the favorite in PyeongChang 2018 but fell badly in the Short Program and Defending Champion Yuzuru Hanyu, injured 4 months before the Games, delivered 2 stunning performances and became the first man since Team USA’s Dick Button to win 2 consecutive Golds in 48 and 52. (Button spent years providing Olympic commentary, is now 92 and lives in upstate New York).

After Chen’s victory, NBC shows wide shots of joyous spectators unfurling a huge red PRC National flag. NBC’s Mike Tirico says “We haven’t heard that much applause, cause only invited quests are allowed to attend” (that’s the new normal, CCP curated spectators only) “For Nathan Chen, it’s the dream of a lifetime to compete on home ice!”

Home ice?  Nathan Chen was born in the USA and to his everlasting credit he did not dump Team USA to Team CCP, like Eileen/Ailing Gu, but NBC proclaims that the totalitarian People’s Republic of China is Chen’s “home ice.”

At the nightly wrap up, Tirico adopts a low, serious voice, channeling Bob Costas gravitas, as he tells of the brewing scandal over the enchanting 15 year old Russian skater Kamila Valieva, who won Gold in the figure skating team competition, now accused of doping. Tirico goes on about Russia’s doping history, but says nothing about the CCP’s doping history, and never mentions the scandalous mistreatment of the mostly Nordic and Slavic Olympians tossed into quarantine cells, while no one can confirm the number of CCP athletes in in lockup somewhere in The Bubble, formerly known as the Olympic Village.


In corporate ads, actresses are stern and dreary, bossing around timid men. An automobile ad says “Athletes deal with challenges so do businesses” flashes a shot of empty shelves, like the ones I see at every CVS in Manhattan, then cuts to speed skaters.


A Walmart ad in heavy rotation intones “We see your hopes and dreams” and pans slow moving customers, shopping in masks. A sultry female voice purrs “Walmart is here to serve your community.” Never mind 90% of Walmart products are made in the PRC because 80% of US manufacturing jobs were shipped to the PRC to exploit slave labor provided by the CCP’s massive concentration camps, so the fatigued, masked customers shopping in Walmart are from communities that were destroyed by ChiMerica, Inc.


The CCP’s Laogai prison system was created soon after Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party came to power in 1949 and has expanded throughout the People’s Republic of China, punishing Chinese artists, poets, lawyers, labor organizers, House Christians, Tibetan Buddhists, Uigher and Wei Muslims and Falun Gong adherents, for such crimes as “counterrevolutionary thought.” after the CCP’s Olympic debut, the 2008 Summer Games, when the IOC facilitated technology transfer of high tech western surveillance and incarceration equipment, on the pretext of ensuring a “safe and terror-free Games” but was swiftly deployed to expand the industrial Laogai network, to monitor the PRC’s 1.5 billion citizens. Cut to 2002, where in China’s western Xinjiang province, millions of Uigher men, women and children are locked in massive “re-education camps” tortured and enslaved with methods of cruelty that would make a Nazi proud.



As NBC’s nightly broadcast wrapped up with the medal count, Tirico read out Norway on top, and with exultation; “And thanks to Gu, China moves into 5th place, coming up strong!”

Maura Moynihan

Maura Moynihan is a New York author, journalist, and long time analyst of the Chinese Communist Party's occupation of Tibet. She is a columnist with The Asian Age and has worked for many years with Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal. Her works of fiction include “Yoga Hotel” and “Kaliyuga.”


