At the Opening Ceremonies of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing NBC lavished praise on the CCP’s “stunning achievements” while straining to cover up the world’s greatest atrocity: the CCP’s Uigher Genocide.

CCP “re-education camp” 2021 -Nazi concentration camp 1945 – Beijing Olympics 2022

3 billion viewers across the globe are tuning in to watch the Winter Olympics in Beijing, when in distant Xinxiang province, millions of Uighurs are enslaved in massive concentration camps, where sponsors of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) manufacture their wares. For decades US media earned millions in advertising revenue from the CCP in exchange for going soft on the CCP’s atrocities, the slaughter of “Minority Peoples” - Uighers and Tibetans, and the persecution of Chinese dissidents, artists, writers, lawyers, and Falun Gong adherents. In 2020 the CCP crippled the planet with its Wuhan Virus and is beating the drums of war across Asia, but this is barely noted in the NBC Nightly News, and the venerated network is dutifully running cover for the CCP’s 2022 Gulag Games.


The 2022 Opening Ceremonies of the Winter Olympic Games commenced at Beijing’ Bird’s Nest Stadium, designed by exile artist Ai Wei Wei for the 2008 Beijing Summer games, while NBC’s Savannah Guthrie reported from the secure confines of NBC’s Connecticut studios in a frilly pink dress, and welcomed millions of viewers to the “world’s biggest sports event!” I wondered if/when Guthrie might utter the words “Uigher genocide” or “Wuhan virus.” About 10 minutes into the broadcast Guthrie referred issues with the “Uigher Genocide” but said nothing about the CCP virus, only “Covid Restrictions” noting about the  CCP’s Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution or the Tiananmen Square Massacre, or the plain fact that the PRC is a totalitarian dictatorship based on “Marxism–Leninism revealing the universal laws governing the development of history of human society."


The camera then moved to NBC commentators at the Bird’s Nest: NBC’s Mike Tirico, Bloomberg’s Andy Browne, and Yale professor Jing Tsu, whose bio reads “Tsu is a 2016 Guggenheim fellow who specializes in modern Chinese literature & culture and Sinophone studies.” Guthrie asks the team about the Uigher genocide.  Bloomberg’s Browne replied: “Faced with Western criticism and opprobrium, China will double down. Never let an insult go unanswered. This was a message to President Joe Biden for skipping these Olympics and a message to the west: China won't be lectured to on human rights or on any other issue.'” Prof. Jing Tsu, in movie star makeup and a fulsome coiffure (in her Yale biopic she shuns glamour for drab academic) glared into the camera and declared “This is China’s moment, and they are making it clear that the US and China are in competition.”


Bloomberg’s Browne castigated Vladimir Putin’s tyranny for a bit, then said: “Watch out for the two most powerful authoritarians in the world in the VIP box, sitting side by side: Chinese president Xi Jinping, Russian president Vladimir Putin.” The camera flashed a closeup of Putin, who appeared to be napping as he sat alone, surrounded by empty seats, and was nowhere near Xi Jingping, who was seated alone on a platform in a black face mask.


Browne continued to wail about Russia’s quest for world domination, then said “China’s tactics are more subtle.” Last time I checked, its China, not Russia, ensnaring poor nations in debt traps with its global Belt & Road Initiative, teaming up with the Taliban, deploying armed battalions along its long border with India, launching hypersonic nuclear capable missiles and invading Taiwan’s airspace every week, but I don’t watch MSNBC so maybe I’m confused about what defines “subtle tactics.”


Guthrie then waxed lyrical about the “spectacular floor made of LED screens created to appear like ice” and said it was created for “COVID restrictions.”


The ceremonies commenced with an ominous digital rectangle rising from the LED rink. NBC said it was meant to symbolize ice, but it looked like a huge AI chip that might have ended up on the cutting room floor of Kubrick’s “2001 – A Space Odyssey.” This was followed by a militaristic procession of 400 performers holding LED sticks to symbolize “spring willow flowers and friends coming together.”

 Then came the entrance of the People’s Republic of China’s national flag, carried by PLA soldiers, who handed the enormous canvas to two rows of the PRC’s “56 Minority Peoples” attired in colorful native costumes. The camera zoomed in for close ups, as a Tibetan friend noted: “They don’t look like minority peoples, they look like actors hired for the show.”


The Minority Peoples awkwardly passed the flag to PLA soldiers who performed a vigorous, chilling goose step, Nazi style, to deliver the Blood Flag to the Olympic stage.


The Parade of Nations began. This was always my favorite moment in the Olympic Games, seeing the athletes smiling and waving to the crowds. But there were no spectators, and the athletes were all masked. We saw a woman in the Iranian delegation yank off the mask to smile and wave and we gave her a cheer.


NBC gushed over the many delegations from small tropical countries in Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific, Central and South America, who were “competing in their very first Winter Olympics!”  Proof of the CCP’s Belt & Road Initiative corralling “alpine athletes” from countries that don’t have snow mountains or ice rinks, to show off the PRC’s global power. The Saudi Delegation had about 3 men in thawbs and keffiyehs, who were alleged to be “top skiers.”


The Olympic delegations were flanked by rows of dancers in sci fi costumes, performing a  clumsy dance, imitating fans at a K Pop concert. The music on the NBC broadcast was all Western classical; Verdi, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, but the NBC soundtrack was on a loop so maybe there was different music playing at Beijing’s Bird’s Nest. 

LED lit roller skaters at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Opening Ceremonies.

Then came the 4 athletes in the Taiwan delegation. NBC flashed the words “Chinese Taipei.” This was also used in the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Games in Korea. No comment from NBC.


After the Parade of Nations audiences were introduced to a huge digital snowflake which moved slowly above the LED rink, with a few light rays, also moving slowly. I noted that the Christmas window displays at Macy’s have better lighting effects. Someone said the production values were like minor league hockey halftime and that the Olympic snowflake resembled a doily from a cupcake shop.

IOC President Thomas Bach then stood before a podium, praised the host nation, blathered on about how “sports bring people together” as he fixed his beady eyes into the camera and declared “The 2022 Winter Games are officially opened.” The camera swerved CCP dictator Xi Jingping, who stood maskless and growled with a baleful glare.


Now came the host nation’s Cultural Performance. The Beijing 2008 Summer Games Opening Ceremonies were considered a hit, with dragon dancers and ladies in traditional Chinese dress, thousands of drummers and an aerialist who took a lap at the top of Bird’s Nest. But at dictator Xi Jingping’s Olympic coming out party, there was zero traditional Chinese culture on display, only Chinese Communist Party culture.


The digital snowflake reappeared as the LED rink filled with machines that sketched curving patterns, like the Zamboni machines that clear commercial ice rinks. The Zambonis were followed by dancers in bright red costumes, stiff choreography and poor synchronization. Not even close to the Rockettes on a bad night.


The music? John Lennon’s “Imagine.”


Then came the lighting of the Olympic Torch. A Uigher female athlete and a Han male athlete, with identical frozen smiles, ascended to the stage to light the flame. NBC announcer Mike Tirico said the male and female athletes symbolized "Gender Equality."


The music? Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy.”

CCP athletes Dinigeer Yilamujian and Zhao Jiawen light the Olympic Torch in Beijing

We waited to see if Guthrie would go there with the Uigher Genocide. The camera cut back to the NBC studios in Connecticut. Guthrie called this “an in-your-face response” and wondered “what this meant.” Prof. Jing Tsu glared into the cameras and stated firmly “China will not be lectured to.”


NBC then aired a promo of Chinese children learning to skate and ski as Guthrie spoke of the termination of the CCP’s One Child Policy and how China has built thousands of skating rinks and ski resorts for millions of new alpine sports enthusiasts. This was followed by the final performance of the night: a chorus of children, singing a tuneless, Cultural Revolution style hymn, moving their heads side to side.

The theme of the Beijing 2022 Winter Games is “Shared Future Together.”

The message was clear: The CCP owns the future.

We turned off the volume and sat in stunned silence.


We didn’t see Olympic spirit, or “sports bringing people together.” Nor did we see a celebration of Chinese culture and tradition.  We saw a grotesque exhibition of Western corporate merger with the CCP.  


 The UK’s Daily Mail reported “The hope for a more open China that accompanied those first Games has faded. For Beijing, these Olympics are a confirmation of its status as a world player and power. But for many outside China, particularly in the West, they have become a confirmation of the country's increasingly authoritarian turn.”


US media never reports that in 2019 the CCP walked away from a trade deal and declared a “People’s War” on the United States, deploying their doctrine of “unrestricted warfare” by inflicting biological, information and economic carnage. The Wuhan Virus cost the US $55 billion in damages, but the CCP wields great power over corporate elites who control the media narrative, so the CCP has not been held accountable for the pandemic, and the American people do not realize that the CCP is waging war on their homeland.


The IOC’s mission statement is “to encourage and support ethics, good governance, fair play, at the service of humanity to promote peace.”  But neither the IOC nor the UN, nor a single western democracy made any effort to halt the CCP’s Genocide Games, sorry proof that the People’s Republic of China can shamelessly breach all binding rules and norms among nations with absolute impunity.


It's 2022 and the CCP is the Olympic champion.

Artwork by Maura Moynihan

Maura Moynihan

Maura Moynihan is a New York author, journalist, and long time analyst of the Chinese Communist Party's occupation of Tibet. She is a columnist with The Asian Age and has worked for many years with Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal. Her works of fiction include “Yoga Hotel” and “Kaliyuga.”


