Kashmir’s Forgotten Genocide - US. Rep. Ilahn Omar: Agent of The CCP - Wahhabi Lobby?

“Kashmir is the best place in the three worlds, Himalaya the best part of Kailasa, and Kashmir the best place in Himalaya” wrote the poet Kalidasa.

Dal Lake in Srinagar Valley, the Vale of Kashmir

Kashmir’s ancient capital Anantnag, Abode of Nagas, land of countless springs, has been a place of habitation and commerce since 5000 BC, thus it is one of the oldest cities in the world. The Rajataramgini, a 12th poem that tells the history of the Kings of Kashmir from the 19th century BC, the time of Mahabharata; “It is a country where the sun shines mildly, being the place created by Kashayapa as if for his glory. Saffron, iced water and grapes, which are rare even in heaven, are common here.” Kashmir is ruled by Sheshanag, the Naga King who bears Vishnu aloft in his Pralaya, when the Great God sleeps for a thousand Kalpas between the cosmic cycles. On days of drought, Muslim and Hindu farmers together make offerings to the Nagas, to bestow the gift of rain. And like Tibetans, Kashmiris do not like to fish, because it disturbs the Nagas.


I had the good fortune to visit Kashmir 4 times in the 1970s and 80s. Kashmir was the richest state in India, exporting its produce, exquisite textiles and handicrafts and welcoming millions of tourists. I was mesmerized by the shimmering lakes, glorious valleys, snow mountains, the houseboats and Mughal gardens, and I was enchanted by the elegant, genial people I met in Srinagar and Phalgun, and in the towns of Jammu that we visited on our long drives from Delhi.

The people of Kashmir

For centuries Kashmir was a brilliant center of civilization; Buddhism and Shaivism flourished from the time of Emperor Ashoka of the Mauryan Dynasty, who reigned from 268 to 232 BC. There are many Buddhist sites across Kashmir, and Ladakh, a Buddhist kingdom in the east, is today part of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir. The Martand Temple of Surya, the Vedic Sun God, in Anantnag, dates from 300 AD, a wondrous creation of Kashmiri architecture and design, with symbols and themes from India, China, Syrian-Byzantine and Greece. The Martand Temple was laid waste by Sultan Sikander, the 14th century marauder who destroyed temples, banned dancing and singing, smashed sculpture and “burned books like hay.” 


In 1589, Emperor Akbar conquered Kashmir, and under the Mughals a new golden age of art and culture arose. Akbar’s son, Emperor Jahangir said of Kashmir “If there be paradise on earth, this is it.” 


 When the British surrendered in 1947, they partitioned India and East and West Pakistan. 1 million were killed, 15 million displaced. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan claimed all of Kashmir, as India’s largest Muslim majority state, but Maharaja Hari Singh chose to join the Republic of India, a secular democracy. The Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 established a boundary with Pakistan holding about one-third of Kashmir, and India one-half, with a dividing Line of Control (LOC) established by the United Nations. The Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 ended in a stalemate and a UN-negotiated ceasefire. India claims that areas "ceded" to China by Pakistan are Indian sovereign territory. Pakistan claims all of Kashmir, except for Aksai Chin and Trans-Karakoram Tract, annexed by Communist China, which is Pakistan’s ally and #1 trading partner.

When the Chinese Communist Party took power in 1949, Mao Zedong moved swiftly to annex East Turkestan, now Xinjiang Province, and Tibet, thereby doubling the landmass of the People’s Republic of China.  By the mid-1950s the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) entered the northeast region of Ladakh. By 1956–57 the PLA built a military road through Aksai Chin in Eastern Ladakh, linking Xinjiang and Tibet.  India's belated discovery of this road and of Chinese incursions into Indian territory led to the 1962 China-India War, where India was swiftly defeated, and China seized large swaths of Kashmir which it holds to this day. In 2020 Chinese troops invaded Ladakh and were repulsed by the Indian army, but now the PLA has deployed more battalions along the Indian border of Ladakh, preparing for armed conflict.

Chinese PLA soldiers clash with the Indian military in Ladakh, 2020


In 1989, after the end of Soviet-Afghan war, Mujahadeen militia, trained by the US to fight the Soviets, young men broken by war, soaked with weaponry, started raids into Kashmir. They set up bases in Pakistan, which receives billions in ammunition and military infrastructure from the US, to spread radical Islamist ideology and wage war on the Republic of India, slaughtering Kashmiri Sikhs, Buddhists and Hindus, the Kashmiri Pandits. 


In 1990 Chief Minister of Kashmir Farukh Abdullah and his party (National Conference Government) abdicated all responsibilities of the state, as mobs of armed, masked men filled the streets, launched bombs and rockets, slaughtered men, women and children. A press release demanded that Kashmiri Pandits leave their homeland. Loudspeakers at mosques repeated "We want Pakistan with Hindu Women, but without their Men." Walls were pasted with posters threatening Kashmiris to follow Islamist dikats; prohibitions on alcohol, cinemas, internet cafes. Kashmiri women were forced into strict purdah or be punished according to Sharia law. Suicide bombers laid siege to Hindu temples and killed men and women in their hour of pray.

Kashmir Pandits murdered, temples, homes and businesses destroyed

As murders, kidnappings, torture, rapes of the Kashmiri Pandits accelerated, Muslims who defend their neighbors were also tortured and killed. All offices buildings, shops, and establishments were colored green as a sign of Islamist rule. Businesses, temples and homes of Kashmiri Pandits were looted and burned. The Kashmiri Pandits’ appeals to authorities were ignored; over 500,000 fled the carnage. Of the approximately 300,000 to 600,000 Hindus living in the Kashmir Valley in 1990 only 2,000–3,000 remained by 2016. More than half a million people fled their ancestral land and remain refugees in their own country.

The suffering of the Kashmiri Pandits has been largely ignored by international journalists, humanitarian and human rights organizations for over 3 decades. During US congressional testimony in 2019, Aarti Tikoo Singh, the respected Indian journalist who has documented the Jihadist campaign of terror waged upon Kashmiri Pandits was maligned by US Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. Twitter blocked Aarti Tikoo Singh for posting about the Kashmiri Pandits. Twitter favors leftist radical Islamists and allows the Taliban to post freely, but blocks and suspends users who posts about the atrocities of the Taliban.



From April 20-24, 2022, Ilham Omar, US Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota, made a surprise visit to Pakistan, where she had multiple meetings and photo ops in Islamabad with new PM Shehbaz Sharif, and newly ousted PM Imran Khan, toured Lahore, took a helicopter ride to Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK), posted a Twitter video selfie peering over the bridge at the Line of Control (LOC), and held a press conference in Muzaffarabad, stating “I don't believe that it (Kashmir) is being talked about to the extent it needs to in the US Congress but also with the administration.”


This instantly became one of the biggest news stories in South Asia, but US corporate media has remained dead silent. The US Embassy in Islamabad posted no photos or press releases about Rep. Omar’s provocative actions, statements, and high-level meetings, Omar’s government office refused to speak to journalists, and US State Department spokesman Ned Price stated that Rep. Omar had gone to Pakistan on a “private trip.”

US. Rep. Ilhan Omar meet Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif and ousted PM Imran Khan in Islamabad, Pakistan, April 2022

But after Indian Foreign Ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi called Omar’s statements about India “condemnable” the story blew up on social media and has gone global and now many are asking; who funded US Rep. Omar’s “private trip” where she blatantly attacked India, a vital US ally?  Is her featly the USA, where she immigrated at age 9 from war torn Somalia? Or is she yet another Democrat among the many identified in the superb writings of Prof Mahadev Nalapat, who states “Democrats are beholden to the Sino-Wahhabi lobby.” Dr. Nalapat told News X; “Kashmir is a target for the Sino-Wahhabi network. Who is funding Omar? Numerous blog posts suggest her trip was funded by the Pakistani government. And this is OK with the White House?”


Apparently so. At a Seattle fundraiser in April 2022, President Biden accused India of “human rights abuses” but said nothing about the horrific human rights abuses of the Taliban, or the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Uigher Genocide, or the naked fascism on display in Shanghai and across the People’s Republic of China under Xi Jingping’s “Zero Covid Policy.” Since coming to office in January 2021, the Biden regime has stripped Communist China of tariffs and sanctions, which 80% of American support, done nothing to hold the CCP to account for releasing hell with COVID-19, but consistently attacks India with blacklists and sanctions and official statements, unbefitting an ally and strategic partner.


Ilhan Omar most certainly advances the agenda of the CCP-Wahhabi Lobby. Despite her feminist posturing with the hard left Democratic “squad”, Omar has said nothing about reform of Sharia law, which has angered many Muslim women intellectuals and bloggers, nor has she ever spoken of the gang rapes and forced sterilizations of Uigher Muslim women, and the extermination of the Uigher and Kazakh peoples in the CCP’s massive concentration camps.



It is implausible to suggest that Ilhan Omar was the first US politician to fly to Pakistan to meet the new government and have a military escort to the LOC to post a Twitter video provoking the Kashmir Question, without the knowledge and approval of the US Embassy in Islamabad. Since Biden’s catastrophic retreat from Kabul in August 2021, Pakistan has been deluged with terror attacks, inflation, food and petrol shortages, stability is fast collapsing. Every week US consulates in Lahore and Karachi post security alerts for US citizens and officials. But Rep. Omar’s trip to the LOC of POK receives nary a mention on the US State Department website?


Omar was criticized Pakistani officials and journalists for her glowing posts about discussions with Imran Khan on “combatting Islamophobia” when Khan is publicly blaming the US government for his ouster. On April 21, 2022, Dawn reported; “There have been several explanations about her trip, even though she has in the past never shown any interest in Pakistan…Omar’s meeting with Mr. Khan had been directly scheduled by her office through a US-based Pakistani businessman, a PTI leader said.”

US media is also infiltrated by the CCP-Wahhabi network, pushing false narratives about India, while covering up the crimes of the CCP. US media is not reporting on Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan, all CCP Belt & Road Imitative partners, now sinking into debt and economic collapse, or that India faces armed conflict on its eastern front from Chinese Occupied Tibet, and on its western front from Afghanistan’s Taliban government, newly armed with $85 billion in US weaponry. Last week Chinese PLA generals and air force jets were filmed at Bagram Air base, 400 kilometers from China’s Xinjiang province.

India is awakening to the dangers of the Sino Wahhabi lobby that has captured much of the Washington establishment. American friends of India are alarmed by the conduct of Democrats who insult India whilst condoning the crimes of the CCP and the Jihadists. Now they are coming for Kashmir. Ilhan Omar, a darling of the liberal media and late-night talk shows, idolized by “Woke” progressives, has made clear which side she is on.

The people of Kashmir, purveyors of a rich and ancient civilization

Maura Moynihan

Maura Moynihan is a New York author, journalist, and long time analyst of the Chinese Communist Party's occupation of Tibet. She is a columnist with The Asian Age and has worked for many years with Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal. Her works of fiction include “Yoga Hotel” and “Kaliyuga.”


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