CCP For Dummies - US China Hands Normalize CPP Atrocities For Profit


For decades the Chinese Communist Party, (CCP)’s manifold atrocities – genocide, torture, concentration camps, forced organ harvesting, have been normalized and integrated into the global economic order by western elites who gleefully exploit the slave labor of the Chinese people whilst abetting the crimes of their Communist masters. The CCP’s human rights abuses are shrugged off by the UN. Mainstream media has for years printed Xinhua propaganda as fact. US China Hands drive the narrative that the CCP’s dictatorship is “superior” to our “messy democracies” baffling indeed, considering how many billions were spent to defeat communism in the former Soviet Union. Communist China has a seat on the UN Security Council, whereas Democratic India is denied such representation. The CCP has paid no price for genocide in Tibet and Xinjiang, persecution of Christians and Falun Gong, oppression of dissidents and crippling the planet with the Wuhan Virus. The US China Hands proffer the party line that the CCP must never “lose face”, and that the Chinese people aren’t “ready for democracy” – an insult to the brave people of Hong Kong and Taiwan, the martyrs of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and the millions of Chinese citizens protesting the vicious “Zero Covid Policy” of CCP dictator Xi Jingping, and to the memory of Liu Xiaobo, the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who died in a CCP prison in 2017.

US China Hands, AmCham Shanghai - All In for Team CCP

My portrait of Liu Xiaobo, 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, died in 2017 in a CCP prison where he was jailed for the crime of “counter-revolutionary thought.”

Uyghur Prisoners in a CCP Concentration Camp – Tibetan Monks arrested for “counter-revolutionary thought” – Falun Gong torture victim – abuse in CCP Jail Cell – HAPPENING NOW IN THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

In 1994 President Clinton issued an Executive Order delinking trade and human rights with the PRC. I organized a protest in front of the CCP Embassy in Washington, DC, we got arrested and charged with “incommoding.”

Inspired by the reams of appeasement literature provided by the US China Business Council, AmCham Shanghai, The Asia Society, The Committee of 100, The Brookings Institute and every Ivy League university in the USA, I created this gallery to recognize the achievements of the US Collaborators who built the CCP into 21st century’s totalitarian superpower, as we enter Year 5 of the CCP’s People’s War on the USA.

Maura Moynihan

Maura Moynihan is a New York author, journalist, and long time analyst of the Chinese Communist Party's occupation of Tibet. She is a columnist with The Asian Age and has worked for many years with Tibetan refugees in India and Nepal. Her works of fiction include “Yoga Hotel” and “Kaliyuga.”


New York City - Andy Warhol, Donald Rubin, Museums, and Cityscapes


Kathmandu, Nepal - The Lotus Valley of the Naga Kings